Al Gugglielmo
Ripoff Fake Talent Agent Defrauds prospecting models and entertainers into signing with him and has harassed people and used unauthorized photos on his site. What would be models need to know

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I've been online for 8 years in the entertainment industry and seen over 5200 industry sites and very few take the necessary precautions neccesary to work legit jobs.

The modeling & entertainment industry has changed drastically since the inception of the Internet

The reason why its so hard for the average model to make any good money or make something of themselves is due to a descrimination policy that most big agencies have.

You have to be 5 ft 10 and weigh 130 lbs When the majority of beautiful women and handsome men are under 5 ft 8 weighing at under 130 lbs

Not every website is "porn" and not every modeling picture is such either!

No, but Google and such engines have allowed the porn webmasters to use sexual epitaths in their meta tags to be combined with every day non sexual wording.

So when a non adult model or entertainer goes to enter modeling or acting, their going to get inundated with porn site links with the searches.

Domain name registrars have allowed porn people to buy names that are not indicators of porn.

Having a safe and secure website is a great place to start!

There are ways to lock down a website so that it prevents people from copying by right clicking, or even keeping the "print" function spitting out blank pages so that nobody can even copy from a print.

As being a tech for 7 years

You have Windows?
Open Windows Explorer and open the Windows folder and then Internet Explorer Downloaded Files.

Those are pictures, graphics, videos of what has been automatically downloaded onto your hard drive when you browse a site.

So to say that you are protected from having your pics and videos safe in your server is wrong.

Because even though you may have those other blockers, you still can upload images to patrons computers.

So you can thank Bill Gates programming team for that

The normal personal safety precautions apply with the Internet too. "Never give out your address or phone number to strangers, "

But most modeling sites that you visit, have this info

Plus, there are places and ways if experienced to locate other personal info through the server.

A model I work with has had some guy sending her contracts that she asked me to look at. If she had signed these, she would have been in a world of hurt! I explained to her where she would be signing every right she had to any of her photos. The contract would have allowed them to put her face on porn sites even if she wasn't photographed under those circumstances.

He "IM"d me about her not responding to his offer. While he tried to throw smoke screens and mirrors at me, I shut him up right quick when I caught him in a lie with the first thing he had said about him being a "talent agent!" He wont bother us again!

MOST that you will see online are not licensed agents.
People think that just because they can create a site to help models, that they are qualified to be an agent for them.

Todays glamour girls and adult models use multiple "agents" to find jobs for them.

Models and photographer should promote themselves in many different places to be successful.

With the way the spam laws are getting, that's going to be tougher.

Welcome to the new modeling industry!

I get this quite occasionally about someone getting scammed:

Anyone that has a dispute with anybody else concerning fraud or wrongful doing and has evidence, is best to not only bring it to the community but to places like, cyberangels, BBB, DA of their city or FBI if its bad and even the news or newspapers

And ask that your name be withdrawn from any public reports for your safety

They usually can set up a surveillance system to monitor their activities and whatever and investigate if they feel it is warranted

In the past it has been said that this is not a good thing to do, but if you have strong evidence that wrongful doing is occured or is occuring, then it is ethically and morally right for others to be warned so they don't get hurt. It is up to law enforcement to keep hot on the trail

Throughout the years I've heard many stories of scams going on and putting models in danger. And the model usually sits there scared but not willing to give up much info.

Everyone probably pretty much knows who Al Guglielmo is in NY. His scamming of models and entertainers and how I hear that the FBI is involved or had been involved.

Today 4-5 years later you can see that he's still at his old tricks and no one has shut this character down

But what models and entertainers and such need to do is Pre-qualify their leads better than they have been.

Most issues would be prevented if such procedures occured and you would feel more secure about the job and person

Who, what, where, when, how and references

You also should know that just because there's a few sour apples in the tree, doesn't mean the whole tree is infested. So don't go throwing insults and insinuations if you can't back them up

It's a numbers game and you have to just go on and market yourself and keep positive.

That's why I stongly feel that there is no such thing as competition when it comes to photographers and producers, magazines, etc.

Because everyone is different. They have different needs and wants and the next week or month they may choose you because you have the look they desire.

One photographer may not want you, but another may

But if you don't stick your head out and just create a site, you're not going to get the full potential of your abilities out there that you may have to offer.

The more agencies/businesses/leads you reach, the better your odds of making a deal

And telling your fans to tell the photographer or producer or magazine that they recommend you wouldn't hurt as that shows that you have a strong support group.

And be creative and unique with shoots and your sites
Everyone is unique in their own way. It all depends on your attitude, your appearance, the place of business' needs and how far you are willing to go to get yourself known

That will bring more of you out to interest others.

Of course, people who are physically fit and look glamorous and who might have a better background as you, and will most likely get first dibs, but so do the other people, depending on the clients needs.

Players and Winners
Fakers and Losers

No matter your choice, you will be classified.
Do the right thing and go with someone strong who can guide you away from the mud


Be Flexible
Be determined
Focus forward towards your goal
Think in your mind "I will succeed" 10 times a day
Be Goal oriented
Stay away from trouble
Hang around positive people
Learn from others mistakes

Cultivate your career by staying in shape, eating right, sleeping right, and learning right
Think of problems and put downs as obstacles or issues and not problems, and focus on getting around those obstacles/issues.

Improve your education

Push yourself to the limit but not too far that you lose your concentration Spread your options (example, if you do lingerie at 18yrs, get into nude & glamour modeling-there's high demand for those, and you already are just about nude, so why not? Etc.)

Nudity Shoots are not a bad thing to get ivolved in
There's too many hang ups in America and it is your duty to break peoples stereotypes and misconceptions

Study all you can about the successful people that have reached the top, and see what qualities they have that you might be able to use.

Learn something about sales and business and law.
It might help you in the long run.

Learn everything you can about modeling.
Look at yourself in the mirror and see how you feel—
If you feel uncomfortable, ask yourself
"How can I get more comfortable",
"How can I break this pattern of uneasement with my body"

If you feel that you need or want cosmetic surgery—

Most important of all—think in your mind
"i will be one of the best % internet super models in the country"

If you say that enough times in your life, you will train your mind to become one of the best % Internet Super Models in the country.

The worst thing you can do is—
break down if you didn't become a great model by other's eyes, because everyone has different tastes and everyone has different moods for certain days.

One method I use a lot is:

If I run into an obstacle, I take the mental image of that obstacle and make the image smaller, change the characteristics, the colors, and the sizes of the people... WHY?

Say, let's bring cooking into the scenario—
You get a pot of water and you put the heat on MED.

What happens to the water is that it could take an hr or more till you see bubbles or boiling.

If you turn the temperature up to HIGH.

Then you see that it takes a few minutes till it reaches it's boiling point with its intensity.

Now with using that theory, I explain to you that

If you take that mental image of yours and turn it on High, then the emotional intensity of that image will intensify and you will get real upset instead of concentrating on why you got into that problem and how you can resolve it and/or emotion, or loss of a modeling job.

If you take that same image and put it on Low
What you begin to feel is the emotion of the problem isn't so intense or bad and it gives you a clearer mind.

Modeling agencies are looking for young females and males who first and foremost have the "LOOK".
Agencies are somewhat less interested in modeling candidates who have the right look but not much else to offer.

Modeling is a very visible career and successful super models must be able to communicate effectively in public speaking venues.

College classes and training in speech and communications can improve the value of your offering considerably. Enter into helpful organizations and get involved in your community, volunteer work.

Remember that the competition for the limited supply of modeling jobs is fierce and COMPETITIVE on a worldwide scale, but the competition is really about you and not them

Accept no's and turn them into yesses.
See how you can become better.
Do not get anorexic... THAT IS PATHETIC.
Try to be proportionate to your body, weight, and height...
Don't be 5'11" and weigh 110 lbs.
Stay healthy-eat the right foods, drink the right drinks, exercise at least every other day, don't smoke and if you do, try to quit.

So if you are truly willing to give in 110% of a commitment, you have some thinking, planning, and implementing to do

Always look up and fight the negativity.
Eventually the positivity within your soul will eat up the negativity

Read your contracts at the fine print

Do these things I have told you and you will become better than you ever thought previously

If you are not sure of someone or something, you can always ask a professional or Tracey Walker or Cyberangels, or the Better Business Bureau
Consumer Federation of America
National Fraud Information Center
Office of Consumer Affairs
Department of Motor Vehicles
State Bar

http://www.firstgov. Gov/featured/usgresponse.html Area_id=7
http://www.pueblo. Gsa. Gov/specialstuff/bluepage/america5.htm

The thing I stress to models and entertainers is to diversify their image. You don't stick with 1 thing and think you're going to succeed. You do a variety of things to back yourself up

Company: Al Gugglielmo
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
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New England Modeling Group
Scam, modeling group, modeling scam, pay before sign, no work up front, unwelcome to newcomers

Chromazone Model Management
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I Model Management
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Infinite Talent, LLC, Infinite Talent USA
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Next Models
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