My Popcorn Machine
Elizabeth Guillen Misrepresented Product—No Refund Sent

Shops, Products, Services advertised a product that was made in USA. We purchased it and they sent a product that was made in China. I believed they misunderstood each message we sent in clear English because their replies were nearly unintelligible.

Eventually I received a Return Authorization so I sent the product back. I followed their instructions but they continued to ask for the same details.By that time I realized they were just stalling, especially because they continued to say, "Thank you for your patience." They stalled long enough so I could not file a claim with PayPal.

Next they claimed they could not give me a refund through Paypal because it was more than 60 days. I am sure that is true, but they could definitely pay us the money they owe us. Now they want a credit card number because they "cannot" send a check. We do not trust that this is really a company in Texas and we are extremely apprehensive about giving any credit card numbers to them.

My advise to anyone who does their research, do not trust this company.

Company: My Popcorn Machine
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 5925 Kirby Drive, Suite E #555
Phone: 18005188203
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My Popcorn Machine How could it possible be my fault?

Foreskincur / Paypal
Refused a refund

Buyer beware

Great big hug scam site, will steal your money and delay refund, refusing to return it without a fight!

Consumer Report

Consumer Report
Consumer Report

Alluneed1309 — Ebay caller ID
Corinne Cooney Sold a $115 product on Ebay-Misrepresented product-I returned product and was promised a full refund-He kept product and will not refund my money. I have lost $115.00
Consumer Report

DHGray Discount Store
Asked for a refund and was blown off