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Hi. I'm a former pupil of the College of Phoenix along with a former Academic Consultant for Axia College for that College of Phoenix in the online department for that South including claims for example Mississippi, La, California, Tx, Tennessee ect. (I'll also state that my spouse was students in the College of Phoenix and it is a recently ignored worker for that same department by 8/20)

Let Us begin with my profession like a pupil in the University of Phoenix. I turned students in the College of Phoenix to help my training. I started courses in the Phoenix Main Campus on April 10. Our diploma plan was Bachelors of Disciplines in Operation Administration. I finished in April. Our registration consultant at that time of admissions was Lillian Corona (Yes such as the alcohol). She enrolled me and that I never noticed from her again. For my educational advisors I can not state that I noticed all that much from their website both. I actually do realize that they sure transformed a great deal in these five years. For my fund therapist, actually all I will claim about this one is the fact that he/or she was a complete inexperienced. Our educational funding consideration was usually in chaos and truly no body could assist me or desired to assist me no real matter what inquires I created. I'd usually wind up owing the College cash simply because they overpaid me in discounts. Although my educational funding funds remained exactly the same, my tuition held growing for alleged changes towards the plan. At the moment I'd about $50K value of educational funding debt. I will state like a floor pupil I did so discover some items that were useful, created some good connections.

Today for my Masters Level in Operation Management, that's an overall total distinct ball of polish as they say. I had been because of begin work with the College of Phoenix online department on July 4. Throughout the hiring stage for that College of Phoenix I had been educated that workers in excellent position were entitled to a tuition waiver for course costs along with a discount on source costs. After I visited sign up for the MBA program I advised my registration therapist that I had been because of started focus on 06/04 and that I desired to begin courses next stage to ensure that I had been ready to make use of the staff tuition waiver. I had been educated from the registration therapist they JUST had one course for my diploma plan that began on May 29 until I needed to visit course online. I mentioned that used to do not believe online was for me personally, therefore she mentioned easily didn't begin May 29 I'd need to delay many months to begin course. She mentioned that I'd have the ability to make use of a tuition waiver for that courses if my supervisor accepted a back-date on waiver that would be put on my tuition.

At this time is sounded excellent, and so I enrolled and began course on 5/29. Within fourteen days I obtained a statement for $1500 tuition plus rEsourse charge of $95. At this time I started instruction to be always a Educational Consultant for Axia College for that College of Phoenix online university. After fourteen days in course, I'd nevertheless to keep in touch with any educational or fund therapist like a pupil, and so I approached my bachelor's plan fund therapist to determine concerning the costs on my student bill. I mentioned together the costs on my consideration and my tuition waiver that were authorized the 2nd week of instruction. I had been informed that it'd be studied care of however it required accounting some time to use the waiver. At the moment I turned anxious about completing the course, but was reassured that it'd be studied care of of course if I had been to withdraw in the class it'd subsequently become an outofpocket cost as tuition waivers don't protect decreased courses. AND SO I finished the course in early September.

Upon completion of the course, I declined to begin my minute due the truth that the tuition waiver had nevertheless to become put on my bill. I had been approached at the office from the registration therapist that I'd not noticed from since I have had signed up for class-a couple of months earlier. Together with her and also the fund therapist urgings I determined that I'd begin my second-class. What used to do not understand was the registration therapist wouldn't get what's named enrollment credit to assist fulfill their regular revenue allowance easily didn't begin my second-class and atleast total fourteen days.inside the week of beginning my second-class I obtained a statement for $3000 for tuition and $175 for source charge. At this time I had been panicking concerning the costs on my bill. I approached my fund counselor and application consultant. It got 3-4 times for that fund therapist to obtain back again to with me, the registration therapist has yet to contact me by today. Essentially what I had been educated the tuition waiver didn't affect the very first course and so I owed them the $1,600 for course also it must be compensated within fourteen days or they'd need to begin the selections procedure, but about the benefit, the tuition waiver had been already put on the 2nd course and source costs, and so I just owed $45. So here because of errors all over again created about the section of mess of the fund therapist and registration therapist I owed income that used to do not need, and so I was causes to consider still another mortgage of educational funding.

In January I became sick and was not able to attend many courses in my own diploma program. Once I had been ready to come back to course I had been generously advised that my diploma plan was outdated with no longer provided on any floor university, they'd ostensibly updated this program to some newer model. Upon speaking with my educational therapist, when I'd really discovered who they really were, I had been educated that to carry on on-ground university I'd need to revise my program towards the newer edition of course if I updated my program 9 of my older edition MBA breaks were useless and there were no equivalence of these 9 breaks within the newer MBA program. The only real choice that I'd at this time was to move towards the online university who nevertheless provided the mature MBA program where all my breaks were still relevant.

At the moment despite the fact that I understood online wasn't for me personally, as a result of handful of factors but I needed to complete the program and so I was compelled to move towards the online university.in my own classes on the web I will actually let you know that I discovered practically nothing. Toward the finish of my first online course my tuition waiver was suspended to get a function dialogue memo/writeup about efficiency, and so I was compelled to depend on educational funding to complete my plan or shed the breaks I'd acquired because of the proven fact that these were not transferrable to a different university. Courses weren't likely to charge me $1900 a-class for tuition and $95 for source.

For That first handful of courses I worked my butt down for that levels, however the understanding groups were from all areas of the nation plus some were military couples positioned in international nations, therefore we were usually lacking one another. Most of the understanding associates had discovered at that time how small they'd to complete, so that they rarely did much work and also the others needed to constitute the distinction. The teachers had small conversation using the pupils; feedback was difficult to enter a regular way, and concerns were rarely responded about task. It had been ostensibly training oneself your MBA program. Easily had desired to train myself, I'dnot be investing $2K to get a course and quit owing LARGE school funding obligations. At the moment I spent months looking to get your hands on a educational therapist who may help me as quarry wasn't actually accessible or delivered calls as or did their supervisors. Each educational therapist might guarantee to assist and nothing was actually completed so far as I understand since it kept occurring.

From The moment I completed my second-class, used to do not provide a darn. I turned the kind of pupil that I'd constantly reported about and got by on performing less than possible. I no further responded dialogue concerns, assisted hardly any with understanding group projects and rarely switched in personal document promptly or whatsoever. Easily didnot wish to accomplish it, I didnot do it that was all of the period. I finished with my MBA in December having a 3.0. Additionally upon the conclusion of my plan, as a result of mistake with respect to the educational funding/sales office I'd a go back to bank for $6K of my resources, which at this time nearly annually later has yet to become precisely told me. I'm remaining owing income to College of Phoenix. This really is cash that I WOn't spend. I've been delivered to selections, and actually I actually donot care.

TODAY for employed by the College of Phoenix that's another ball-game. I experienced the hiring stage for that College of Phoenix in- May. Once I finished the hiring phase-I was provided a situation being an educational therapist producing $32,500 annually. At that time it had been significantly more than I had been producing and that I needed the task. I'd only finished my bachelors plan in May of this year. Etc July 4 I started instruction for Axia College for that College of Phoenix like a educational consultant for that online department. To begin with I'd never heard about Axia College, but rapidly discovered that it had been an affiliates plan just provided online. Subsequently up to this time used to do not realize that College of Phoenix had an internet department.

Following The first week of instruction I invested a couple of hours for that latter three times that week shadowing really educational advisors who currently done the ground. It appeared simple enough and appeared intriguing and difficult. At the conclusion of the 2nd week I had been designated towards the South Department for that online university. Once I struck the ground, I came across that though I'd a fund therapist used to do not need a group, and wouldn't have one for around 2 months whilst the last registration supervisor had walked down and also the registration team have been reassigned. Our first six months employed by the College of Phoenix went smoothly enough. I loved my work, my manager, my fund therapist, and my registration group, despite the fact that I had been not-too insane concerning the registration manager. Within my first evaluation I'd did exemplary and much more than fulfilled the requirements that put on Axia workers for teachers. Within my second 6 months I gained A Superb Academic Guidance Honor, I gained a High Academic Consultant award, and turned a Professional Coach for brand new educational advisors. Within my next evaluation I also did pretty well.

Throughout The next 6 months, my supervisor obtained more pupils which was said to be disbanded towards the 8 groups she was given to handle. Our supervisor questioned basically want to possess some of those students put into my unique group of pupils. I got in the problem. What used to do not understand and wasn't informed was these pupil weren't to become designated towards the educational group of 8, however they were developing a 9th group for my supervisor to mange, and that I was to become designated to some minute group of 450 pupils, another fund therapist and 7 additional application advisors. Therefore not just did I've another group of 450 students, but my unique group had 500 students, a fund therapist, and 7 registration advisors. Obviously that I had been starched actual slim between 900 pupils, 2 fund counselors, and 14 registration counselors. I'm embarrassed to express, that a few of the pupils didn't obtained regular educational support.

(Ostensibly you will find 4 places that the educational therapist is rated on. The first region are HARD-SKILLS; including the group weight of designated pupils and just how a lot of those pupils have been in course, just how many fresh start pupils have been in class for that necessary 180 times, just how many pupils are now actually publishing work to their designated courses every week. The Next are SOFT-SKILLS; including intern/exterior connection both created and dental, just how many calls are created per day, just how many hours you speak to your pupils, how your supervisor judges your IS3 actions that are computer-generated duties that must definitely be finished for every pupil each day. The Next are QUALIFIED DEVELOPMENT ABILITIES; including likely to courses, courses and such. The 4th are QUALITY ASSURANCE: including something for rating calls once the therapist discussions using the pupil.) Therefore in this administration of two groups evaluation interval I did so exemplary and my supervisor set me set for a massive 10% pay escalation in that we obtained and started producing $38,900 annually.

It had been throughout the end-of my second-year evaluation that I voluntary resigned in the second group also it was reassigned to a different educational consultant. About that period I started learning more about my registration group as well as their supervisor since their registration figures were just starting to influence my evaluation. On many events I noticed the registration supervisor inform his advisors to "hang the Pell Grant towards the pupil just like a carrot and make reference to it as free cash". I've likewise overheard the registration supervisor inform my registration advisors to "register that pupil NO REAL MATTER WHAT" even if the registration therapist had particularly educated the registration supervisor the pupil mentioned they didn't have an G.E.D. Or even a legitimate senior school degree (that are allegedly requirement of Title IV financing). I've noticed in the registration supervisor such things as "if it's a pulse register it". The registration group has additionally put an APIN standing pupils (meaning pupils which are awaiting confirmation of senior school degree or G.E. D, software for admissions, along side the rest of the necessary files for entrance) into REG standing (meaning admissions has obtained and authorized all files for that pupil and entitled to admissions towards the College, which fund has authorized the pupil to economically have the ability to purchase the classes as well as attend stated courses) without authorization from admissions or fund and also the pupil beginning these classes without authorization from admission or fund and needing to be drawn from classes. I've likewise overheard the registration supervisor sexually harass his female workers by stating that "so-and-so includes a good butt" or "let us get so-and-so join our football team so we are able to view their breasts laugh"

From or about May educational funding scam pupils from Mississippi and some additional claims were just starting to create a strike about the Southeast Department. Essentially what occurred was an individual might bypass to like government-assisted property and provide to assist people "get free cash" by assisting the individual sign up for the School of Phoenix and Axia College, complete the educational funding paperwork to get a little charge from their school funding reimbursement. These folks were to sign up, make an application for educational funding but wish to handle their very own school funding resources, ensure that you attend course by checking in (which ostensibly imply making a note that states I'm in school today).in the period it had been getting the educational funding division to approve these pupils due to their financing the educational therapist might get updates in the teachers from about these pupils declining there courses by not performing the function. These pupils were calling the fund division many times per weekis wondering when their resources could be licensed, just how long prior to the resources were obtained from the college, so when they might anticipate their reimbursement checks. Only at that same time educational, registration, and fund advisors were realizing these pupils had exactly the same telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and residence details. Once in course, pupils ceased answering telephones or we were informed that no body by that brand existed there. When the resources were obtained about the pupils consideration at College of Phoenix the pupils might start calling again badgering fund when were their inspections were likely to shipped and just how much were the inspections likely to be for. When the pupils obtained their inspections the banked them at check-cashing locations and vanished of the facial skin of our planet. Phone numbers were disconnected; e-mail details were shut or ceased getting used.

When The student failed the very first class as well as their educational funding hadn't been obtained they approached the registration therapist and fund therapist to restart class so they educational funding might procedure, since if your pupil isn't in class throughout the accreditation of resources, the process is ceased till they're back to course. Monetary preparations were subsequently designed to permit the pupil back to a-class they failed, however the same procedure occurred again. With all of this scam happening I understood that I'd possess a substandard evaluation so that as per organization plan I'd be getting a reduction in pay. Fourteen days pursuing my evaluation closing the organization transformed the plan that workers might no further obtain pay reeducations for substandard evaluations however it didn't affect me.in this evaluation interval I did so get a sub standard evaluation by which my pay was to become reduced by 10% to $32,215 that was less that I created entering the College of Phoenix and significantly less than an new educational therapist out-of instruction created at $35K annually.

Also in this evaluation interval I'd become sick and was positioned on FMLA for just two months, subsequently was authorized for intermittent FMLA which permitted a lot of times off as recommended from the physician. While my evaluation was finished the organization hadn't taken into account the FMLA period I'd to remove which no body was performing my group. It'd been left stagnate and that I was not able to acquire my objectives as a result of this. This evaluation was due to become prepared for that end-of May 31 but wasn't obtained until September that was 2 weeks before my next evaluation was due, and so I really was in a reduction in regards to what my fresh evaluation objectives could be.

At this time the supervisor that I preferred turned a genuine horse's butt. Easily got an intermittent FMLA evening, after I returned I had been crossed-examined by my manger, that will be against time plan. Our handle might create really aggressive comments about me and my going for a authorized FMLA evening. Lastly after I got frustrated I documented it to my manageris boss who explained to function it out with my manager. At the moment my entire educational group turned to suffer with insufficient appropriate administration. The group needed to become completely self reliant since our supervisor turned rare, she no further assisted us whenever we needed aid, she was usually acting strange. She'd proceed times without speaking with anybody about the group. She no further kept group conferences so we're able to examine issues and methods. She found function informing individuals acutely individual company, turning up at her workeris homes requesting a location to accident for that evening, attempting to use money from her workers. Whenever we reported to top managements, we got no solutions so we discovered to function with no supervisor with no longer visited her for something. It got over 6 months of the kind of conduct from my supervisor on her lastly to become ended. We were subsequently designated to some temporary supervisor who really informed the entire group that "our aged supervisor was ended because of drug-use and getting her individual existence to other workers". We were subsequently guaranteed that people might get the lotion of the harvest to get a manger which she was happy with people for sticking it out.

After about 3-4 months we were designated a brand new supervisor which might have been mid August. It had been difficult to trust a at the moment, but we offered him the advantage of the question. When I got my first FMLA evening and delivered, I had been named into my new directoris boss's office. I had been accused of not pursuing FMLA process and that I was to become created up. Before this time nobody had educated me of the process I had a need to undergo to statement that I had been getting an FMLA evening as my prior supervisor did not meet up with me and time togo within the FMLA method. It was completed inside a couple of days of my returning. From July to November after I might consider my FMLA times, I'd totally stick to time plan on FMLA process. But upon time for function, I returned to some aggressive supervisor who'd make snide and reducing comments for example "if all his workers could be below every single day like they ought to the group in general could be greater" he'd also explain that "additional educational advisors were being overcome by his workers lacking times". I understand to get a proven fact that these comments were aimed toward me plus one additional educational therapist who have been FMLA missing from time to time. I'd also get the quiet treatment and also the cold-shoulder after I asked questions. I'd get reducing emails informing me to complete the study after I might e-mail a problem towards the supervisor. I them documented this therapy to my new supervisors boss. She advised me to not bother her with small grievances and go to time. I approached time to try and discover who to keep in touch with but was not able to get a solution regarding who to consult with to document a criticism.

It had been under this new supervisor that I obtained the November evaluation on January. I obtained another substandard evaluation, and my FMLA period hadn't been taken into account again. At the moment I had been positioned on a performance evaluation and had until Feb 26 to create up my substandard or be perhaps ended. During this period I had been out-most of times on FMLA because of medical issues that I went out-of period in early Goal, but was not able to go back to function. On or about March 9th I obtained a telephone call from time that handles FMLA. I had been also known as with a person from a worker associations consultant that's allow to fire workers. I subsequently named them both back and that I was informed that College of Phoenix might take my resignation. I spoke using the time consultant and also the worker associations representative about me needing surgery. The time consultant mentioned that she was and might prepared to work with me to obtain me more hours down after which assist me return to function. All three people were in contract. On Friday, March 12 I had been named and educated from the worker connection consultant the College of Phoenix had chose to end me anyhow which my providers were no further needed.

Within the last year employed by the College of Phoenix educational advisors have grown to be necessary to do revenue. We were necessary to request results in possible students for additional pupils. We were to consider their titles, handles and telephone numbers and change these details to registration. Therefore essentially stated we were necessary to do enrollments work additionally, that will be purely to purchase the College of Phoenixis item that will be training.

AND SO I wish to alert prospective pupils and workers to actually consider your choice to be always a pupil or work with the University of Phoenix. You may simply regret that choice, I did so.

Company: Apollo Group
Country: USA
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University of Phoenix
Unethical Practices

University of Phoenix/Axia College - Online
Financial Aid Management Discrepancies

University of Phoenix
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