Kansas Gas Service
Kansas Gas Service Charged excessive $100 delivery fees for "NATURAL GAS" Made an "UNAUTHORIZED CHARGE" on credit card!

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Complaint: Kansas Gas company for charging a "delivery fee" for Natural Gas!
Aware Natural Gas Prices are always high in winter months. Was charged $100 per month for delivery of Natural Gas. Called Kansas Gas and asked them why I was being charged a delivery fee? I am not on Propane and no one has delivered anything to me! Was told by customer care rep the "delivery fee was for administrative costs"... My next question was high Gas charges. If I am paying administrative fees is my Gas price at cost and profit is delivery fee? Rep stated Natural Gas price is regulated. From Dec. Through March our Gas bills were $400 a month!

Got behind and tried to make some kind of payment arrangement. The terms were impossible to meet. Wife received her student loan in late March and called Kansas Gas service to make payment arrangements. Was told by rep that a previous arrangement was not met and we must pay $700 or our service would be turned off. Wife paid $700... Leaving a balance of $203.42...

Overnight "Kansas Gas Service took $203.42 out of my account without my authorization"...
Used my debit/credit card to make previous payments by phone. Never authorized Kansas Gas to automaticlly take monthly payments! This caused an overdraft of my checking account.

04/06 kansas gas servi util paymt 122112411197853 $203.42 -$163.16

Kansas Gas has proven to be dishonest by taking money out of my account without my authorization. Don't know what to say about the delivery fee? Except they are making a killing.
In the City of Atchison, Kansas alone 10,000 customers @ $100ea. $1000000...
I am sure within a reason of a doubt they are under handed and I am shocked how they are getting away with it...

Company: Kansas Gas Service
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Topeka
Address: P.O. Box 3535
Phone: 8007944780
Site: kansasgasservice.com
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Award Notification Commission
About to Ripoff again

ANC - award Notification Commission
Sponsor of Sweepstakes Next-Gen, INC. Sent letter (legal gobbledegook) stating that I was eligable to win 2 million dollars but must send $11.89 to "acquire Premium Offer delivery"

Award notification commision kansas city
Yes i sent them 12 dolllors every time and they said for the money i won so it can rush the pocess it quick or for the premium offer and never recieve any thing and this been going on for month and i

Gs Foods kansas city
Gs foods! Kanas city, gsfoods, net Do Not Buy! From gsfoods.net / kansas city

Kansas City, Kansas Scamming under the pretense of free government money

G.F.institute Kansas City Kansas
"Your Access to Government Funds" Action required ASAP for Release Open/Read

Award notification commission
James mallory had me to send money to recieve $2,000, 000 never heard from them again

Award notification commission
James mallory had me to send money to recieve $2,000, 000 never heard from them again

American sweepstakes publishers
Asap mail preference service P.O. Box11573 shawnee mission, kansas 66207-4273 recieved letter stating i had won 1000000000. Wanted 12.00 procesing fee