Penn Credit Corp
Collection Agency

Shops, Products, Services

I had been getting collection calls addressed in my son Steve's name. Finally I told them I was his wife to get information from them. I was told that this was for a bill that he owed Reader's Digest in the amount of $45.85. I can't remember how I got their address but I had a check filled out to send to them, but I decided to contact Reader's Digest and check with them to see for sure that Steve owed this money. Actually Steve does not even have an account with Reader's Digest. His Dad, Ronald and I, had sent him a gift subscription to the magazine for years and we are the ones who pay for it.

Reader's Digest did not show any balance on our account #0263831257 and they told me that they do not turn their past due accounts over to a collection agency, they do their own internal collecting.

I contacted Penn Credit again and was told that they would contact Reader's Digest and get this taken off their books. I have checked back with them twice and they still show that we (or Steve) still owes the money and they wanted me to give them my bank account information so that they could take the amount due from my bank account. This is when I got suspicious. I told them I would not do this and I did not send them a check either.

I would appreciate any help that you can give me with this. Thank you.

Company: Penn Credit Corp
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Harrisburg
Address: 916 South 14th Street Harrisburg, PA 17108
Phone: 18008003328
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