Prime Timne Consulting Inc
Youthe Communication award Kid's Selling Magazines supposetly in with OU to help with school

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A young man names Joseph and young lady named Katsee B. Stopped by my door claiming to be selling magazines to win a trip to Bermuda and money for their college financing. They had a colorful story of al I had to do is flip through this brochure and pick my favorite magazines and the points would go towards them.

The problem didnt come until the end when they stated it would cost. I was under the impression that it was free until the end when they brought out their reciept paper. Not listening to myself I still thought it was a great deal and proceeded to oreder the JET magazine. They were pressured on cash if I had it and check if I wanted to pay. But since they could not take debit or credit cards they said they would recieve double points if I went to and ATM for the cash because it would be noted that I went out of my way for the cash.

The cost would be 48 dollars for 56 issues and a fee of 15 for shipping and handeling. SO the total would be $63.00. I paid $25 in cash and wrote a check for $38. They even wrote smiley faces where I wa to sign on the reciept. After the transaction I decided to call the number and was immediately faced with a rude woman that promised it was legit and I would recieve my magazines when promised.

I surfed the net and found Prime Time Consulting in link with the previous names mentioned in other complaints. It seem as if the company has changed names several time from face-to-face to global (something). I immediately canceled my chech throught the bank and will be sending in my canceled post dated reciept immediately. Although, after reading previous posts. I can kiss that $25 dollars goodbye. I also went looking for the students soon after they left my door to find out that they have disappeared from the face of the earth in 5 minutes. Sounds a bit off. I don't think so. Slam your door in their faces. Scam!

Company: Prime Timne Consulting Inc
Country: USA
State: California
City: Kittredge
Address: P.O. Box 1060
Phone: 18884941471
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Ftft - Face To Face Technologies - Miami Dream Team, Inc
Took a $60.00 check from me for magazines that I never got

Face To Face
Prime Time Consulting Inc., Earning "points" for "scholarship" for College

FTFT Magazines
Face To Face Magazine Sales scammed me into buying magazines by taking advantage of my busy schedule by making it impossible to refuse their service

AM Press Association
I ordered magazines and never got them! A complete ripoff!
A young man came to my door selling magazines for college. I puchased a magazine and paid by check in the amount of $43.00. Never got the magazine

Face To Face / Program
Young girl came door to door selling magazines and never received them, her name angela werkheise

I got taken for $20.00 at Christmas when a young woman came to my door selling magazines for points. I picked a childrens magazine & paid her cash. I have the receipt. No magazine

Dynasty Tecnologies Inc. Or Face To Face Technologies
Ripped me off

RLA inc. magazines
Paid 6 mos ago for magazines to boy selling for school trip. Didnt get it yet and overpriced

PrimeTime Consulting, INC
Knox PrimeTime Consulting INC Knox, came to my door asked me stupid questions to throw me off, and proceeded to sell me a fake magazine