Celebrate America Costumes
Jenny@costumesinhistory.com Costume shop cashed my check and Never sent costume

Shops, Products, Services

Ordered a costume for school project by mail on 2/13 with check for full amount included. Received e-mail back saying I would be told shipping date as soon as check cleared.

Check was cashed on 2/17.

Have heard nothing since, no replies to my e-mails, no costume.

Lost $80.44 but will do everything to get it back and warn others before they are scammed.

Company: Celebrate America Costumes
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Black Canyon City
Address: 19260 E. Abbott St
Site: music911.net
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Nothing but costumes
Nothingbutcostumes is a RIP OFF they take your money and you DO NOT get what you ordered!

Hollywood Studios Costumes

Nothing But Costumes / Violet Sea Inc
Nothingbutcostumes.com RIPS YOU OFF

Halloweencostumes.com Misrepresentation and ripoff, horrible customer service

Ripoff charged me twice for sending me the wrong merchendice won't accept credit return or credit

Ripoff charged outragous shipping fees, sent e-mail 3 days later, never sent item

Doxy Lingerie
Total Ripoff! Never received my costume and I've sent 5 emails!

Shadow Dale Creations
Maker of costumes

Buy Costumes
Ripoff no refund for returned costume, not a trustworthy company

Ultimate Star Wars Costumes
Defective item