Irving Funk, Attorney
Cancelled Credit Card After Purchase

Shops, Products, Services

Mr. Funk purchased a baseball jersey from us in 9/10 and paid by credit card. He subsequently cancelled the credit card payment in 11/10 and has refused to return our merchandise. He has not returned our phone calls, e-mail or postal mail.

Company: Irving Funk, Attorney
Country: USA
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Irving Funk, Attorney
Payment on Merchandise Cancelled but Item not Returned

Molli funk
Molli funk

Fit Body Boot Camp, LLC
Fit body bc could not open!

Barry Funkhouser
Funk, DJ Funk, Barry Funk, ErrorFM Funk Refused to pay for Services Rendered, rips off all producers on network, and pays hardly any royalties

Got be hiand on a bill

Dirt Cheap Cars
Clint Funk, Tiffany Funk Very shady business dealings

Molliwood Productions
Molli Funk Molli Funk Owner Molliwood Productions Not a Legitimate Company, did not pay me for modeling work completed. San Francisco, California

Ben Funk And Blake Robertson
Did not pay me

Molliwood Productions
Tina Norris of TNT wrote 2 false reports on molliwood

Newtown Electronics
Newtown Electronics charged $467.99, an amount not agreed to without my approval to my credit card