Breeder Network
Puppy Breeder Scam

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I was contacted by someone from the business on February 17th after I tried to enter a website for Havanese breeders. It asked me to fill in my phone number for an interview but when it directed me to fill out more info, I x'd out of it and didn't think twice about it. Not more than 20 mins later, I received a phone call from someone wanting to know if now was a good time to "interview" for a puppy. Since I was in the car and running errands, I declined the interview. The company then tried to call me back 2 more times within a 12 hour period. I decided to call the number back and see what they had to offer. (Now I wish I hadn't) I should have seen all the red flags waving!

The man on the other end of the line seemed nice enough at first but then became very pushy and arrogant during the "interview". I said I had a few questions and he went on to interview me, to which I agreed to. He insisted that my husband also be there for the interview but since he was getting ready to leave for work, I kept my phone on speaker so he could listen. The interveiw lasted about 30-45 mins and at the end the man told me that he was happy to tell me that I was approved and we proceeded to look for a puppy. He told me it would be in my arms in 5-7 days... (1st red flag)
He suggested one that was already 8 months old. I declined that one and told him I had another choice in mind. He then showed me how I could open the "video" and watch a video of the puppy playing. My husband was hesitatant because he said he would rather go and see a dog in person. The man told me that it would NOT be possible because these breeders and too strict and not local. He stated that their breeders would not EVER allow anyone in their homes to see the puppy. It would have been impossible for us anyhow since our puppy was supposed to be in Iowa or something. At that point, I told the man that since it was such a big purchase ($1749.00) that I wanted to speak to my husband about it without being on the phone. The man then began to tell me that if I did not leave a $650.00 deposit, he could not guarentee that the puppy would still be available. I decline anyways and said I would think about it. He then told me that if I DID NOT call back by the end of the day, that I would have to go through the entire process AGAIN, as they do not keep the records. (2nd red flag)
My husband and I discussed it, he still was not happy that we couldn't even see the puppy to make sure it was compatiable but the man had reassured me that if it wasn't we could return him no questions asked (hmm, 3rd red flag?). The puppies were also guarenteed for health and bloodline reasons, they claim to "back their puppies"
We decided to purchase the puppy and I called back. The man I had been speaking with was out to lunch but they told me that he would call me back. They never asked for me for my name or callback number, so I asked them, "don't you need my name and phone number?". The person said, "Oh I have that here, thanks." And proceeded to rattle off my phone number. (4th red flag)
Again, I still wasn't seeing all the "red flags" because I was so happy about getting the puppy and their website was so professional. We had just lost our dog a few weeks before and I think I wasn't "THINKING"... You know?
So the man called back and was "delighted" that we wanted to get a puppy. He told me several times that my puppy was guarenteed, would just need to be checked by the breeders vet one last time and then make its was to us in 5-7 days! I was thrilled! He told me that they would call me the NEXT day to make final arrangements on the flight and we would soon be the owners of a little Havanese puppy! I did have one question before we disconnected, they offered "free shipping" but why did the puppy price say $1547 but I am paying an additional $200 dollars. He assured me that it was for the travel crate and medical records. I was okay with that, so I hung up and then I called my mom to tell her and my little 4 yr old daughter about the puppy I had named Toby and show them the website and puppy. My daughter was soooo excited... She couldn't wait to come home from her Grandma and Grandpa's so she could get her new puppy.
Well Saturday morning came and went, no phone call... Afternoon. Still no call. It was a little unsettleing but I kept the faith. Sunday I went to work and still nothing. I decieded to send them an email... I got no response... Left a voicemail on their customer service line, STILL NOTHING! So my husband began looking on line and found a lot of similar stories and that was all that I needed to hear. I read each story and was broken hearted... I HAD BEEN SCAMMED! I called my credit card company immediately and cancelled the transaction. I had to fill out paperwork and everything but I was credited my money. And until March 2nd I had not heard from anyone!
On March 2nd I recieved a phone call and they left a message about my recent purchase and setting up the final travel arrangements. I was stunned! Had they not found out that I cancelled my order? I was intrigued so I called back. Again, NO ANSWER! I figured it was probably because they did not recognize the number I was calling from. I couldn't even leave a message, the recorder never came on. Yesterday I recieved another phone call, which I was able to take. Some lady said she was from the Breedeer Association and was calling to make final arrangements on the travel. I told her, "Really? Because I cancelled that transaction with my credit card company due to what I felt was fraudulent activity on their part." She never asked why but proceeded to tell me that "in the notes she saw that there was a disagreement with my husband about purchasing the puppy! I was shocked and told her that was not the case at all! Basically I cancelled the transaction after NEVER hearing from them. The fact that I was told 5-7 days and never heard from them until March 2nd was the reason. She had NOTHING to say... I ended the conversation with that. I really wished I could have let my 4 yr old talk to her... When she found out that we were not getting the puppy she started to cry again! She had lost 2 doggies in less than 3 weeks! Devestated doesn't began to cover it... But luckily my husband had kept doing research and found us the cutest little puppy just a day after we found out we were scammed! The breeder guarenteed the puppy and he was able to visit her home and pick out the puppy which best suited us! Needless to say, the puppy picked us! That is the only happy ending to this story! I hope that "BREEDER NETWORK" gets what's coming to them!

Ps. The puppy we thought we had purchased has gone up in price $200 AND was listed as "just sold" and available several times!!!

Company: Breeder Network
Country: USA
Address: 201 Alhambra Circle #501 Coral Gables, Florida 331
Phone: 18003153310
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Beware buyers: this breeder sales sick puppies and will keep your money and the puppy!

Demitria Ochoa
Beware All Breeders to Not Sell to This Woman

Happy Endings

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Happy Puppy and Customer - puppy

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