Move Masters
DFW Move Masters Move Masters damaged my furniture & items are missing. Chris Booth the owner disappeared after the move was completed. Do not use this company, my advice

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I contracted Move Masters, Always Forward Inc., Move Master, Dfw Move Masters to move my home. The owner Chris Booth sounded very friendly and like a nice guy which later we found to be just a big front for lies & deception. We assumed a man in the military receiving an award from a famous General was an upstanding credible guy. Wow were we misled. We found this company on Craigslist. I've heard of horror stories about Craigslist and now I am an example to add to the truth about Craigslist. Hind sight is 20/20. First the moving crew was late by 1 hour. When the movers finally arrived they had an old Ford truck that was nasty and didn't even have a ramp to load. They used a liftgate which takes twice as long to load. I was told it was a professionally equipped moving truck. It was a dock to dock warehouse delivery truck that was worn out. I was embarrassed by the sight of the truck & the moving crew. I live in a nice neighborhood just moving around the corner. The movers were polite but inexperienced as the owner Chris Booth had assured me they were professional movers with years of experience. Two of the men said that it was their first day that they had been out of work for weeks and were picked up at a day labor center. The driver said he had been with the company for a few months. This was a major red flag but I had to move.

During the move they damaged my walls severely and they made deep scratches in my wood floors that could not be touched up. That cost me $2,100 to replace the wood on the floors & $425 to repair the damaged walls. Then there was the furniture. They damaged my armoire by scratching it in five places. I paid $375 for a professional company to come fix the damage. My leather couch was torn on a corner. It couldn't be repaired. My refrigerator doors were dent on both side by a strap. I had to order new doors at $837.42 for both then pay $175 to have then installed. Then there were items missing, two of my son's Playstation 3 video games & a new shock wireless controller. That was about $150. I called and spoke with the owner Chris Booth but that did not do any good. I filed a Better Business Bureau report and the company denied that any of the damage or missing items were their fault. The BBB closed the case as "Administratively Closed" because my complaint couldn't be resolved under the BBB normal standards of voluntary dispute resolutions. The company's owner Chris Booth lied refusing to accept responsibility. The BBB told me I could pursue the claim in a civil court for the damages lost. I just hope no one else falls into the same situation my family did with this company. I see I'm not the only one taken advantage of by Chris Booth.

Company: Move Masters
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Allen
Address: 1619 Collin Drive
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Move Masters
Always Forward, Inc. Move Masters, Always Forward, Inc. Chris Booth Owner, DFW Move Masters Operating Illegally Bad BBB Report

Chris Booth Liar Crook Thief owner of DFW Move Masters aka Always Forward Inc. is a Con Artist Criminal Liar Thief Slick Talker
Chris Booth Liar Crook Thief owner of DFW Move Masters, Always Forward Inc. Is a Con Artist Criminal Liar Thief Slick Talker Chris Booth Chris Booth is a liar and a thief!

Move Masters
Always Forward, Inc Have you been lied to & taken advantage of by Chris Booth as many have been? Can't find him? Furniture missing, damaged or just disgusted because the move went sour?

Move masters
Always forward move masters chris booth always forward moving company in allen tx

DFW Move Masters
Chris Boothe Ruined My Furniture and Botched My Move

Move Masters in Allen, TX
Chris Booth Failure to resolve damage to refrigerator Allen

Move Masters Allen Texas
Chris Booth Owner Miserable movers, very poor performance. Do Not Use This Company

Chris Beebe -Advertising as - Pro Movers AND 2 Strong Men will move you
Get Lucky Movers, Pro moving Help, Many other AKA's. For moving & hauling. Terrible... BEWARE! Doesn't Care about your stuff, Scratches, Refused to pay, No insurance, No License, NEVER AGAIN!

All-In-One Movers
Nathanial Parkhurst ripoff damage furniture, missing items, lie, Tampa

Move Masters
Charge more money than on contract amount ripoff