Bidsauce.com penny bidding site for auction Once I bought the membership than the site showed that you have to be Platinum member to bid on like Iphone or so

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Once I became member the site showed me to become a platinum member so I can bid on like Ipad or so. Than I called and asked them to return my money but they told me that they will just return $40 dollar and I will have only 200 bid left. And I used my 16 bid to win a digital camera and they keep telling me that they will sending me before christmas. It was own month before christmas.
Now for last three days I wrote back to support@bidsauce.com and first they told me that I did not own anything though I could see that It tells One win in my profile. I stop logging in to my account. People needs to know that these people are liars. They will tell anything to just keep the customes on the hooks. This site should be shutdown by ftc. I will write them too.

Latest news is that they told me that since they returned my $40.00 so I did not have any money in my accunt to BID on.

Company: www.bidsauce.com
Country: USA
Site: bidsauce.com
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Penny Auction BidSauce.com BidSauce.com has inside bidders to rip off customers or get money

Bidsauce owes me $1400.00

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Takes your money. Says it didn't process your order. Will NOT refund your payment when processed twice. JUNK company

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