Keystone Site Design
Poor WORK / company issues

Shops, Products, Services

InDemand Solutions, LLC or Lollipop Web Promotions or Zoomba Sites or IDS Websites located @

868 E Riverside Dr., Ste 250

Eagle, ID 83616


This business has many complaints, and has changed it's name from the following above to Keystone Site Design.

Please review these links before proceeding any business with this company or the ones stated above (Lollipop, Zoomba, IDS)




Massive amount of complaints dealing with the company owner, business ethics, former employees and customers.

Please research this company before doing business.

They have changed thier business name to "keystone site design" Other business names "indemand website" and "" Open the PDF file to see the business name change they recently have been dealing with goods and services issues in civil court.

-Someone Like You

Company: Keystone Site Design
Country: USA
State: Idaho
City: Eagle
  <     >  


Scam to take money

Joe Fotie
Scaming people out of money

Washington Mutual
Getting Cooperation

Dave Aitken
Scam, lies, dishonest

Energy improvements
Do your homework

Ocwen Mortgage
Unlawful Practices

T. keith brejla
Alias: terry brejla

3ButtonsN2Bows = Heather McCready, Heather Gillespie, Heather Kemmelmeier
Operates super shady Ebay, Itsy, and web business

RIP OFF ARTISTS Niki Lambeth, Joe Evans, Katherine Pilkey, Kim Ence, Kim Ence, Garrett Malner, Mike Glaspie, Randy Johnston, Gary Jorgenson