Portraits USA
Only lost $10 and a lot of time/aggravation, but avoided major loss

Shops, Products, Services

We were hounded from a kiosk in a Cincinnati area mallto sign up for one larger and several wallet sized photos for "only" $10. Young salesperson (looked like she was in violation of child labor laws) followed us until we finally gave her the money. Then we read the sheet she gave us, which said there was an additional $6 sitting fee.

When we got home, I checked thisbusiness out and found out that they were actually a company that had gotten into a lot of trouble previously with the Better Business Bureau and with Attorneys General throughout the country.

We went back to the mall on the day of our photography appointment and asked for our $10 back. The photographer refused.

As you know, most companies will give you a measly $10 back if they have not performed the service/provided a product. When we insisted, even in front of other customers, they still would not relent. The photographer went and got a co-worker to argue with us further.

One of us decided to stand outside the storefront where the pictures were being taken to warn other customers. They called mall security on us and had us removed from the area.

We filed a complaint with mall management. Then we got the phone number of the owner (now in Las Vegas) to ask for our money back and threatened more negative publicity, but even then, he would not give us back this $10.

What kind of legitimate, reputable company operates like that? I shudder to think how badly we might have been ripped off had we actually gone through with the photography session.

Company: Portraits USA
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Canton
Address: 4450 Beldon Village (also has Las Vegas Address)
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Rk photography
Awesome Portraits, Outstanding Prices

Glamour Shots

Ken Phares Photography
Bad Service, Never got all our Wedding Photographs, Wedding, Photographer, Horrible, Shameful

Martin Torre Photography
No pictures from Photographer, No Response and Very Poor Service

Michaelangelos Photography
Www.michaelangelosphotography.com Michaelangelos Photography totally ripped me off to the tune of $2500, missed pictures, the rest out of focus-Cleveland Ohio

Sunshine Productions Modeling
Sunshine Modeling SCAM! Photography Mill! Beware!

La Tee Da Photography
Melissa Pruitt Lost all our wedding photos, and other clients wedding photos

Danielle (Emberton) Stroemer
A Drop In Time Photography Photographer trying to BLACKMAIL Bride and Groom by not going to BBB or newspaper in exchange for all of their photos... Bride and Groom has proof in writing from Danielle Stroemer herself!

Girls With Pearls Photography
Took our money and then took their time giving us the actual photos

Eivans photography
Wedding Photography - Wedding Photography