Paul Ngobeni
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Paul Ngobeni professed to have civil rights expertise. I retained him for a substantial sum of moneyduring the pendency of the criminal proceedings against the US, a civil rights suit can proceed after prevailing against the prosecution.

My prosecution took 5.5 years. I checked with Ngobeni only occasionally because little beyond the actual filing could be done during the pendency of the prosecution. Ngobeni unfailingly assured me that he had everything under control and the suits on track.

After I beat the groundless charges, I went looking for Ngobeni. I could not find him anywhere and he did not return telephone messages. I then checked with the court, where I discovered that Ngobeni had gotten both of my cases dismissed by ignoring the little that he needed to do; in one, he did not even file an appearance.

I located his separated wife, who told me his whereabouts. After confronting him, he assured me that he could fix everything. He filed appeals, but then had the appeals dismissed by not filing briefs, which he told me to my face that he had filed.

I complained to the Statewide Bar Counsel, who informed me that Ngobeni had similarly abandoned over a score of other clients. Unfortunately, in the US, a client bears the responsibility for the acts and omissions of his lawyer. I then spent a lot of money for an appeal to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, which at least reopened one of the cases.

I cannot put into words the grief that Ngobeni caused and the lives thathe has wrecked. I believe that Ngobeni actually enjoyed hurting the clients who put all their trust in him. Had Ngobeniwon just one case, the contingency would have dwarfed the amount of client money that he stole.

Ngobeni abandoned his wife, children, and clients. He is no stranger to the bottle and frequents unsavory establishments. He fled the US in the face of larceny South Africa, he strolls into a position as legal counsel to a major university. When they apparently got wise to him, he managed to extort money out of them. Now he has attained a position in the highest levels of government.

Sure, Ngobeni is smart. But he is charlatan who preys upon the unsuspecting and then (convincingly) pretends mortification when they begin to see through his confidence scheme.


Company: Paul Ngobeni
Country: USA
City: Capetown
Address: South Africa
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