Home Credit Law Center
Brian R Linnekens Attorney Non performance of written Contract, does not address specific issues of performance, does not return telephone calls, collected money and did not perform, did not provide evidence confirming that con

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I was directed to this attorney by a mortgage counseling service. I had a special situation and was trying to apply for a loan modification through Chase Bank. The mortgage counselor said the attorney would be advising me after he looked over my paper work whether he could take my case. I was informed by the referring party that the attorney would take my case and I would have to provide all documents pertaining to the loan and include a Hardship Letter. This I did. There was confusion as to who I was dealing with in the beginning so I began to make phone calls to the attorney firm, which no one every returned to me. When I complained to the referring party he told the attorney to contact me. It was after the money was paid in advance to the attorney firm then I got an email from attorney's secretary which apologized to me and asked what I needed. The next few months were spent chasing the attorney firm for answers, empty promises from them to keep me updated, then after 5 months a call from the lender declining my request for a modification on the grounds that my situation for modification was special. The very reason I hired the attorney was to work against the "special" situation. I had kept my part of the contract and provided all the information, kept up communication with the set up "customer service people" who rarely knew what they were talking about, and the same message was always that they would keep me updated. When attorney started to answer my emails personally he would never answer my issues and began to offer to do more work but for more money. I am out the $2495.00 fee I paid to the attorney; all the money for telephone calls and copies not to mention the many months of time transpired where I could have hired another attorney who was legitimate and perhaps could have acquired the modification for me.

Company: Home Credit Law Center
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Monica
Address: 806 Idaho Avenue
Phone: 3106636254
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Home Credit Law Center
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