Save Avenue
Save avenue and e store scottsdale, arizona

Shops, Products, Services

I took up save avenue back in 2005 after the rep called us from saveavenue telling me and my wife that all we had to pay to get the store up and runing on the internet was 200.00 dollars and that there was no other charge and if we was happy with it and never made any money in 6 months we could get a refund of the money we payed well i was, nt happy yes they make the web site and all that but one thing they lie to you about was the advertzing they never told me that in the begaing you have to take up package on advertzing and if you did, nt they would, nt refund your money i still till today have, nt recevied none of my money from them back and not only that they took away my web site looks like a class action law suit will be my next step to get my money back and they will have to pay for the lawery fees on this

Company: Save Avenue
Country: USA
State: Alaska
Phone: 8003442325
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Save Avenue
Lieing and not giving a refund when they said they do

Save avenue
Ecash store internet selling products

Save Avenue - saveavenue
Save Avenue scam, ripoff, linda dont believe them

Scammers you suck - how can you sleep at night-liars theives and frauds. And you can honestly say you have no complaints-Somehow I doubt that

Save Avenue Took $529.00 and took me to the cleaners, BEWARE - RIPOFF, RIPOFF, RIPOFF

Save Avenue
Company gave false expectations of success with an on-line store that never materialized.internet

Save Avenue
Relentless Sales Tactics

Save Avenue, Inc
Dangerous to trust - Hides behind deceipt - Just within legal limits - DO NOT TRUST

Save Avenue, Estreetcash
Misleads, does not pay commission, won't respond to contact attempts

Save Avenue
Zero sales after nearly a year of marketing