Mario Rollies took payment on 2/4 and still hasn't sent product

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered and paid for a product on 2/4 for $80 on and it is now 1/4 and Mario still has not completed this order. After about five months with zero replies from numerous phone calls to the number listed on and numerous e-mails to the e-mail address on I posted a complaint on a consumer complaint and website within an hour I had a reply from Mario (the incompetent idiot that owns and runs That should tell you everything you need to know about this "business" that he is operating. He doesn't actually ever plan on fulfilling anyones orders unless they file complaints.

After I finally made contact with him I received one implausible excuse after the other. He would like to have you believe that mail is still delivered via Pony Express. He finally admitted he actually does not have any of the products on his website in stock. He has the vast array of products on his website to try and influence potential customers away from actual legitimate sites, which cannot have an endless inventory because of the fact they operate a real business.

At this point he told me the company that produces the product I ordered is no longer in business (False). I'd had enough by now so I told him to send me a refund via money order. After that request was made there was lull in contact which was finally ended by him saying he had the product and could have it to me by the end of the week. To which I said "That will be fine, just send it.".

Inevitably this never happened and I received another excuse e-mail that he had ordered the wrong size and needed to reorder it. I told him that I was not willing to wait for this process. He informed me that he had a similar product in stock (False). This product was only $35 and I had already paid $80 so I sent him a list of products on his site which were all the amount that would complete what I paid. I sent the list and told him whichever product he had on hand and could send out ASAP would be fine with me.

He replied it would be no problem and he would have them out by the end of the week. This of course took another month with no replies or false excuses. Finally, I received a shipment from him but, it was only half of the order. I notified him of this and he told me he would Airmail the other product the next day. It has been another 2 or 3 months and I have yet to receive it.

I tried to be as nice as possible, but this man is a scam artist and there are numerous sites that sell the same product and ship in the same timely manner every business does. There is absolutely no reason his site should still be up. I wonder what happened to the people that paid and never complained. It's not an online store. It is a website with pictures of almost every conceivable product for this area available. You then pick one and he goes out to actual stores and tries to find a similar product. I would like to know what can be done to take this site down.

Country: USA
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