United Voice Messaging - OAN
United Voice Messaging AKA OAN ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

Received phone bill which is my wife's name. Found a charge from OAN - United Voice Messaging Services for $16.30. My wife called the the 800 number, they claimed that I, not my wife signed up for this service through the Internet. My wife advised that I would call to correct the problem since they would not remove the $16.30 charge from the bill. She was advised to have me call Nick at 1800-297-6491, and he would take care the matter.

I called the number and was put into a waiting pool for the first available representative, and eventualy spoke to a person who described himself as Doug Carter. He claimed that I had signed up on a Web site called grouplotto.com and they were authorized by them to enroll me to the service. He also stated that that they gave me three chances to cancell the service via email but I did not. I advised him that I did not sign up with any such site and that I never received email from them giving me the opportunity to cancel the service. I than advised him that I was taping the conversation and he subsequently hung up. I wonder what he was afraid of? Telling big lies perhaps.

North Plainfield, New Jersey

Company: United Voice Messaging - OAN
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Origsburg
Address: 1001 Village Road, Origsburg, Pa 17961
Phone: 8009449646
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United Voice Messaging
Ripoff fraudulent billing for voice messaging services I never signed up fo

United Voice Messaging - OAN Services Is There Collection Agengy
United Voice Messaging OAN Services Is There Collection Agengy ripoff/charged me for something I never ordered. All of a sudden it's on our phone bill to the tune of $16.30. We don't even have voice messaging

United Voice Messaging - Integretel
United Voice Messaging ripoff, billed charges on telephone bill, never heard of them

Integretel - United Voice Messaging
Integretel-United Voice MessagingIntegretel Inc., United Voice Messaging ripoff-Unauthorized billing for service not requested

INTEGRETEL - United Voice Messaging
Ripoff, unauthorized billing. Refused to remove charges! Funny thing is the person they say signed up for this service doesn't exist?!

OAN Services - United Voice Messaging
United Voice Messaging - OAN Services IncOAN Services charged by phone bill for something they say my 18 year old son ordered on the internet on MY PHONE BILL

United Voice Messaging
They Crammed Charges on my local bill.internet

Commonwealth Telephone Company
OAN Service fraudulent billing, 198 United Voice Messaging

United Voice Messaging
Ripoff dishonest fradulent billing identity theft

Nationwide Voice Messaging
I Signed Up For Free Music Download, I Ended Up With Voice Messaging