USA Business
Ripped Off

Shops, Products, Services

Received a phone call from a lady named Linda Thompson who said that she spoke to my boss and he told her to contact me since I am the one who orderes the office supplies. She said that she was closing her office in a nearby city and was selling all left over supplies that she has a real low price so, of course I said sure and ordered some items.

I asked my boss and ofcourse he said he has no idea who I was talking about. I received the items with a packing list that had no pricing and still haven't received an invoice yet. I have been calling and everytime I call all I get is a voicemail and never receive a phone call back. I am returning the items. I wish I would of looked at this web site first before ordering anything.

Company: USA Business
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 3830 Schiff Drive
Phone: 7025221886
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Tornado Office Systems
Tornado Office Systems is a SCAM! They're not moving to Arkansas

Tornado Office Supplies
Scam, do not except any calls no matter how good the offer sounds!

SVT, Inc. Wholesale Office Products
Complete lie! Do not believe!

Tornado Office Supplies
They lie!

USA Business
Bait & Switch

Tornado Office Systems, Kim Sampson
Office Supply SCAM Beware!

Tornado Office Supplies
Office Supply scam

TP Supply - Dana Boyd
SCAM, SCAM Sends out supplies no matter what ripoff

SVT, Inc
Office supply scam

South Bay Office Products, Inc
Lied to us to get an order by saying it was approved by the Controlle