Heineken Inc. / Michelle Capaldi
This person is a fraud. People dont give info to this person on CRAIGSLIST.com

Shops, Products, Services

Attention: Tony

Company: Heineken Inc. / Michelle Capaldi
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
  <     >  


D.C.S. Diversified Collection Services, Inc
Caller is Tony? The Rep Tony? Insisted on a ph # for another person. Told him i was on do not cll list and he refused to ge my pn out or hang up

Jen Tony
Louis Larry, Larry Louis, Jin Tony Attempted Craigslist Scam

Consumer Report

Michelle Capaldi
Division Manager, Human Resources Postion for packer/lifter $16/h

Tony Carule02@Gmail.com
Consumer Report

Mr Neyo Jones, Tony Carule
Consumer Report

Tony Carule - tonycarule@gmail.com
Consumer Report

Michelle Nicole Palme
Consumer Report

Dont do any business with Craigslist, they discriminate regularily cant be trusted

Will let people post ads that out right fraud