Prolead Services
Scam/False Guarantee

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Prolead Services is a scam. Our company ordered leads from them for two separate insurance agents. They promise that they send out mailers to zip codes that you give them. Then when the mailers come back they call them and make sure the lead is legit. They also guarantee that you will make over $1000 from your first 100 leads. To anyone buying insurance leads knows that this type of promise is great. They say if you don't earn your $1000 then they will give you your money back. Well we ordered them and had it set up where they send us 50 leads per agent per week. Our first order was 2 weeks late. Then when we started calling on them we were completely let down. Out of 100 leads 9 were deceased. 42 spoke Spanish and the rest had no clue what we were talking about. So we contacted proleads and told them. They said they would replace the bad leads. It took another 2 weeks and us calling 3 times to get the next batch. So much for a weekly supply. So now its been 7 weeks. We should have received 700 leads and we have received 230. None of them have been good and they won't give us our money back. We have called many times trying to just get the leads we were promised and they won't even do that. So I warn anyone who is looking for leads to not go to this company. You will just be dropping money into a bottomless pit with no return. We now have to go to a lawyer just to get our money back. No fun.

Company: Prolead Services
Country: USA
Address: Florida
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