Bacon Law Firm
Robert G Bacon Esq Will outright lie to you, push you to settle-say he's going to be in court to get you to sign on-then 4get about you

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This attorney will say whatever you want to hear when you go in to see him for a consultation AND OUTRIGHT LIE TO YOU while he pushes the agreement for him to represent you in your face. Within a week he was hardcore pressing to settle the case when I was very clear I wanted to go to trial before I signed AND THAT'S THE REASON I WANTED TO GO WITH THIS Bob Bacon. I was reassured and told many many times that he was going to go full speed ahead and aggressively to press for trial.

In a matter of a week he was telling me to go bankrupt & settle JUST SO HE COULD GET HIS FEES that were split 2 ways. ABSOLUTELY DAY & NIGHT in his attitude. When his attorney handling the case went out on his own, I was given a choice, the verbal contract was that since his attorney was doing most of the work we would stick with the 3rd atty... Bob Bacon agreed and MORE THAN ASSURED me he would be there for any questions and at the trial. I felt OK with that and expressed the concern that he seemed to be more of a trial atty and the 3rd atty seemed to be more of an information gatherer and less experienced.

And guess what... He returned one out of 5 phone calls before the actual trial AND DID NOT SHOW UP IN COURT.

SO ALL THE BS about him going to battle for me and we're like family once I sign on and I'll be there was exactly that... Bs. Istrongly recommend not using this attorney.

Company: Bacon Law Firm
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Myrtle Beach
Address: 1297 Professional Drive
Phone: 8438398013
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