ICare Timeshare Marketing Group
DO NOT TRUST ICare timeshare! They are a fraud

Shops, Products, Services

ICare Timeshare DOES care... About your money in their pockets. They made us pay 2200$ under false pretenses. They said they had a buyer! Of course, it did not go through and they didn't call back. We had to call them several times.

They tried scamming us a second time many months after and actually STOLE money from our credit card after we openly refused any transaction. We had to write to the BBB and Attorney General's Office to get our stolen money back (1200$). But we had to forget about the first amount. No deal there!

We received a call from Pioneer Marketing Solutions claiming the same lies. We sent a check but had it destroyed before it got to them. They called back, very impatient, talking incessantly trying to convince us we can trust them. They raised their voice and even became arrogant. Finally, they hung up on me when I confronted them about their tone.

PLEASE, please, do not fall for any company who tells you to send money to close a deal. They DO NOT have a buyer! They just want your money and then disappear.

Company: ICare Timeshare Marketing Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 2700 West Cypress Creek Rd, suite C106
Phone: 8886135315
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Pioneer Marketing Solutions
Icare Timeshare Marketing and Executive TImeshare Marketing same scamme

ICare Timeshare Marketing
Executive Timeshare Marketing INC. Timeshare scam company

ICare Timeshare

Steven Hoffman And Steven Ernst Of Icare Timeshare
Consumer Report

I Care Timeshare Marketing group
I Care Timeshare A time-share sales company that ripped you off? You're kidding, right? It's right up there with "The Check's in the mail", and "Of course I'll respect you in the morning". Believe it, baby! Coral Springs

Pioneer Marketing Solutions
Icare Timeshare Marketing Solutions Biggest Scam of all

Pioneer Marketing Solutions
It is a scam!

Timeshare Mega Media And Marketing Group, Inc
Timeshare mega media and marketing group, they lie cheat and steal!

Worldwide Marketing Solutions
Do not trust any Timeshare rental/sales company that call you to either rent or sell. They just want your money

ICare Timeshare