Explore talent
Ami shafrir (mohamad or what ever this terrorists name is (robbing from american people took money, never sent cards, want money back

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What country do we live in? Police backing up scam artists because they pay alot of tax money, from money they have stolen off consumers, corrupt courts and judges making money on the side from the thieves, its time we took a stand to these rip off artists like explore talent, and many other companies that rob us. Even if we have to be aggressive, remember the system is corrupt and has no problem with taking money from these scam artists, don't fight for a country that backs up scumbags, and deficates all over us. Years ago we would of taking matters in our own hands, that day will have to come again. Let this no good degenerate go back to india or whatever middle east terrorist country he is from go do it to your own people, stay out of our country! Bad things happen to people like this for a reason, and his day and his day is coming!!!

Company: Explore talent
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 8033 sunset Blvd. suite 580
Phone: 18009340000
Site: exploretalent.com
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Ami Shafrir Scam, Rip Off, Facts Las Vegas

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Explore talent is a scam... Scam... Scam!

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