North American Telephone Network
Ripoff used my account for billing another account to foreign countries

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For several months my bill received an amount due along with a statement for another account. These numbers being called by this other account were billed to me. The amasing thing is that I have talked to them for hours.

I have sent them copies of the bills and they refuse to take care of the situation. This can only lead to the thought that they are using the company as a front for international calls (possibly to Muslims in an aggression attempt). Or that someone has been making use of their computers to hide foreign calls. I have been able to put together more information on this not written here.

mimbres, New Mexico

Company: North American Telephone Network
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: Suite 675. 4151 Ashford Dunwoody Rd
Phone: 8008220019
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