Salt River Solar and Wind
Big Fat Liars Scumbag Salesman

Shops, Products, Services

For the past year my wife and I have been looking into doing Solar on our home. We found an ad for Salt River Wind and Solar in a magazine and called them. The salesman who showed up looked like he just walked out of prison with tatoos from the neck down over his arms and god only knows where else. He went on and on about how "Great" Salt River Solar is to the point that we thought we were buying a new car. From the start he "LIED" about everything as we had already spoke with three other Solar Companys in Phoenix which all were about the same. He told us that we MUST sign today as APS was out of money and the rebate had gone from $3.00 a Watt to $1.95 per watt but if we signed today with a 5K "CASH" deposit. I told him I did not walk around with that kind of money in my pocket and then he said that he would follow us to the our bank to get it! And then he said he could pull some strings to get us in at $2.15 a watt. We called APS and was told that was "NOT TRUE" what so ever! My wife and I could not get this Scumbag out of our house fast enough! Whatever you do, Stay as far away from this company they are liars and cheats. I also found out from a friend that he had a problem with Salt River Solar last year with an Install that took almost 8 months to do. "BEWARE" this company has fraud written all over them.

Company: Salt River Solar and Wind
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Surprise
Address: 13370 Foxfire Drive
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Salt River Solar and Wind
Delay, Delay, Delay, No Status Update, Delay

Salt River Solar and Wind, LLC
Takes your Money but Does NOT Delive

Salt River Solar and Wind, LLC

Salt River Solar and Wind
Takes your money. You get excuses in return - no solar panels

Salt River Solar & Wind Salt River Energy
Salt River Solar & Wind Slat River Energy Takes Deposits on Solar Energy Products and Does Not Delive

Salt River Solar and wind
Very aware

Salt river solar and wind I actually did business with this company and it has to be the worst business dealings I have ever had. I would not do business with them again eve

Salt river solar
Salt river energy, A P solar, salt river solar & wind breech of contract, failure to communicate, delays, delays, delays, 3rd party threats of lawsuits

Salt River Solar and Wind
Az pro solar delays scam bad lies

Ecotec Solar
Solar Electric Home System - grid tie solar system