Used my email account in fraudulent manner by saying I had a message from one of my contacts on thier site

Shops, Products, Services

RE: Speeddating.com internet site The chronology for the events take place from approximately May 14 to May 21 when the actual billingwas done to my account. I am not sure ofthe exact date when requested the membership to end but I believe it was morethan likely before the 21st.

I received an email saying I had a message from acontact in my hotmail account telling me I had a message from them on theSpeeddating.com internet site.in factno such message was there but in order to quote check it out they requested Ijoin the site. I did in fact join thesite but I believed it was a trial membership. However they kept insisting I had a message from my hotmail accountcontact and that I needed to join the site in order to get that message.

I made a huge mistake by believing any suchmessage existed and that joining the site for what I thought was a trialmembership would get me to the message. NO MESSAGE EXISTEDthey used the internet somehow to make contact andthen draw me in to their scheme to get my information so they could charge me$299.76. When I realized this was ascheme I immediately cancelled my membership but by then they had what theywanted and accomplished their intent. Mymoney, my credit card information and whatever else they were able to get bytheir devious methods

Company: Speeddating.com
Country: USA
Address: PO BOX 5545, Redwood City, CA 94063
Phone: 8003283006
Site: speeddating.com
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Baby of America
Unsecure site and phoney email contact info / email returned as undeliverable

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Com charged my account but there was no way to cancel or get refund "internet"

Global Information Network
Making false promises to lure me back to rejoin after trying to cancel membership internet

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Easevshop.com spammer, hotmail Houston

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