Consolidated Media Services
Ripoff a mistake in believing a telemarkete

Shops, Products, Services

I made a mistake in believing a telemarketer, the CMS company offered me a free gift and magazines for of my choice for a one time cost of $34.99, so I agreed that was my mistake. The magazines began to come and I was alright with the selection, then I received my credit card statement and I was billed once but then the next month I was billed again so I called them and they said that they told me that the $34.99 was approximately what they were going to charge me a month for 12 months so I tried to cancel and they said that I couldn't. I wrote them a letter and they started to call me at all hours and I tried to cancel and I told them that I wrote them a letter and they said that they never received and the total amount they want to charge me is $419.88 and I told them that I was not going to pay that, that was not the amount they told me. So they said they where going to refer me to a collecting agency so I told them to right ahead. And I am waiting to get referred to a collecting agency so like that I can go to get some legal help and I will fight this to the end.

Company: Consolidated Media Services
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Phone: 18002267356
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Consolidated Media Services

Consolidated Media Services
Ripoff Said I owe $900 dollars and that they are sending it to the credit bureau They are ripping me off and I am not paying a dime to anyone!

Consolidated Media Services - (CMS.)
Consolidated Media Services CMS ripoff

Consolidated media services
Consolidated Media Services ripoff stealing money fruad billing nightmare

Consolidated Media Services - CMS
Consolidated Media Services ripoff - an evil company with no morals or compassion has swindled a young girl tring to build her future

Consolidated Media Services, Luebke Baker & Associates
Consolidated Media, Luebke Baker & Associates Ripoff They called and said they were collecting a debt, after I had cancelled and stopped paying them 2 years ago. I was worried and gave them my info... Again! It's a scam!

Consolidated Media Services

Consolidated Media Services, CMS
Ripoff G

Consolidated Media Services
International marketing agencies, CMS ripoff, scam, lie

Consolidated Media Services
Ripoff billed for magazines not received didn't even get free watch