Szl, Inc
Falsafied my DAC

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Hi my name is Roger and I was an owner operator up until December I was leased to this carrier for about 8 months give or take alittle, first on his web site it stated I would not pay anymore for fuel than $ 1.64 cpg turns out this was just a lure to draw you in he does pay a surcharge but you end up paying alot more than that for your fuel. That was the first thing he stated he was a carrier for Interstate Distrabution out of Tacoma Washington so I figured I would get good miles, So he flys me to Denver comes and picks me up we go to his house where he has a office sat up in the basement we makes copies of all my stuff gives me these differant things lock, rules, seals alot of bullshit really. So we finish all that he takes me for lunch at some off the wall diner spends 15 bucks on our meals then we go to a motel I check in well the next day Interstate has no opennings so he flys me back home to Ohio I wait 3 weeks finally get going well ever load I pulled for them was heavy as hell 45 plus, I ended up lonmg and short cancelling my lease with him, he stated to me everything was good and if I wanted to come back there was no problems well come to find out he lied to DAC/HireRight he put I misused company funds, did not return equiptment, what ever he could lie about he did I have since got DAC to remove the items but it hindeded me from finding work. This guy whos name is Bill says he has partners but yet there is no records he is the sole owner and his name is on all the DOT paperwork from licenses to permits. He is a forigner who will scam you in ever way he can so AVOID this company or you will be sorry...

Company: Szl, Inc
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Colorado Springs
Address: Colorado Springs, Co
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Texas Star Express
Not paying correct fuel surgcharge also taking off about 20% of miles on loads

Link America, DGI, Washita, Lane
Company/owner operators drivers

D J Franzen

CRST Van Expedited
CRST-good for a little while, then they show their true colors

Interstate Dist
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TransAm Trucking
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Kingdom Carriers Aka U.S. Backhaulers Aka Patriot Carriers
People Beware Think Twice before signing Lease or Doing Business Here RIPOFF

Trucker Express
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Jones express
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Interstate Dist. co
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