Kick Back and Relax, Kindred, Brothers and Relations Taxpayers Ripped Off

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KBR is one of the biggest RIP OFF companies in the USA. Excuse me, they now have their offices in Dubai to avoid USA Federal crime prosecution.

The people they hire are some of the most useless people you can find. Most from the Houston or within 400 miles of Houston areas. I guess that way they get them off the local and state welfare programs and put them on a federal one. The people I worked with in Kuwait and Iraq, only about 5% actually do anything. They have to pick up all the slack from the other 95%. KBR perfers to hire only minorites, due to they get a BIG TAX BREAK for hiring them. Especially if they put them in any type of management position. Most of the supervisors, foreman and "managers" can't chew gum and walk at the sametime.

And if you complain about racism, discrimantion, harassment, etc toward the non-minories, you're gone. If they can't harass you enough to get you to quit, they'll keep moving you around, "needs of the company", (yeah they need to get rid of you) till you get fed up and quit. Or another of their little tricks is to transfer the offended to another base before the investigators get there to hide the person. Seen that one several times too. Then if you leave any persoanl property behind, management keeps it or tries to rip you off again to have it sent home to you. Management just loves getting rid of someone because look at all the free stuff they get from you being gone.

Now KBR has the Postal System contracts in the Middle East and most of the "people" handling the mail are either thieves, illiterates, and just plain lazy, which means your mail might get to you sometime before you go home. Then they hire 3rd world electrians to kill you in the showers. I've seen numerous times that KBR "employees" search threw personal mail before handing it to MIlitary units, to see if there was anything they could steal. And steal they did. But don't report it, because that wouldn't be nice for KBR to get caught with their people doing that.

Company: Kbr
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
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