Penny Talk
Penny Talk for HUNDREDS

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I bought this calling card to call my family in Chile after the earthquake of February 27. Being desperate to reach them, I bought this card online without doing much research about as I should have.

Long story short, after buying the card, I immediately started trying to place calls. Most of the time, the calls didn't even go through, and the only time it did, I could not hear the person on the other side. I assumed that the bad connection was due to the state of the lines in Chile and decided to give it a little time before trying again.

So a couple of days later, I tried again and the same problem happened. I could not connect. Finally, after several attempts, one call went through with no problem and I spoke to my family for about an hour, clearly and without interruptions. I was elated!

Little did I know that the reason the call was so clear was because the call had gone through my carrier instead of the calling card, even after dialing the number and entering the pin as indicated! I did not know this when I placed the call, and didn't find out until I got my phone bill for over $400 for my calls to Chile!

I contacted Penny Talk customer service to complain and seek resolution, but they basically told me that I most likely had pushed the call button twice and that my carrier had picked up the call, and that I needed to be careful placing the calls in the future. I have used calling card for years and NEVER had this problem happen to me. I even searched their website to see if they had any information about this "malfunction" and found nothing. So I wrote to the company to request they cancel my account and refund the money I had already paid for this worthless service. I also requested that they paid the charge to my phone carrier. Never heard back from them and my account is still active, after requesting that it be canceled twice.

Luckily, my wonderful carrier worked with me and gave me the calls to Chile at a discount. I still ended up paying much more for the calls than what I should have paid if Penny Talk was a legitimate calling card. My carrier's rep also told me to beware of calling cards that sound too good of a deals as they usually a scam, such as Penny Talk. She was SO right!

So, I would advise customers not to do business with this company as you may end up paying a lot more than $. 02 pr call.

Penny talk is a SCAM!!

Company: Penny Talk
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Newark
Address: 520 Broad Street, 14th Floor
Phone: 18883118360
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Penny Talk
Calling Card