Janesdeals.com, B2Bwholesalers, Janes Closeouts
Jane Rothman (janerothman@aol.com) This criminal should be put in jail!

Shops, Products, Services

Janesdeals.com ripped me off, and then slandered my name and email address. I found the website when searching online for wholesale products. After doing a few searches and reading a few decent reviews I decided to ask some questions about a wholesale lot of Ed Hardy T-shirts I was interested in. I asked "Are these t-shirts genuine Ed Hardy T-shirts or are they fake?" They replied saying they were real.

I decided that since they work with escrow it would be safe to buy from Janesdeals.com because worst case scenario would be that the shirts are indeed fake and I would simply get my money back, because there's a 24 hour period where you can contact Jane and get a refund.

I decided to send the money order (almost $1000). The package arrived almost a month later. Because it took so long to arrive, I stopped looking for it in the mail. It was delivered after my USPS mail was delivered, so I did not see it until the next day... When it was too late to get a refund. I realized this soon after I had found it on the porch, but I wasn't too worried about the refund because I was assured that they were genuine before I had purchased them.

After getting them out and looking at them, I decided to list one on eBay. The next day I checked my email and eBay had sent me an email stating that my listing had been removed because it was fake merchandise. This is when I got nervous. I started doing more research on the exact type of shirt I had. It turns out that the genuine version of the shirts I received has an embroidered design on it, and the fake version is printed on.

I contacted Janesdeals.com about this problem. At first she tried to act concerned, saying there was nothing she could do but said I could ask the seller nicely to allow her to issue me a refund. I tried that, but unfortunately foreign criminals aren't that understanding.
After realizing that I have been scammed, I contact Janesdeals.com again, this time I was pretty angry. I told her it wasn't right what she did to me and what she's doing to other people, and that I think she should be sued. She responded by calling me names, and telling me it was my fault for getting scammed, not hers.

A few months go by and I try to forget about it, then I start getting scam emails in my inbox about Janesdeals.com. At first I'm confused on how someone I don't know is linking my email address with Janesdeals.com, but I let it go. After about 20 emails that mention Janesdeals.com, I searched Google for my email address and Janesdeals.com. A result came up from her website and I was confused so I clicked on it. Once at her website, I see my email address scrolling across the top of Janesdeals.com. She was stating to everyone that I was a dishonest criminal. I was flabbergasted to say the least. A scammer was slandering MY name and email address for the world to see, all because I told her what I really thought of her scamming innocent people out of their hard earned money.
Justice was never served in this case, and I've accepted the fact that it probably never will be. I'm writing this to hopefully dissuade another person from making the same mistake I did. Giving all of your money to someone so malicious is hard to cope with, no one should have to deal with it.

Company: Janesdeals.com, B2Bwholesalers, Janes Closeouts
Country: USA
Address: 312 West Fourth Street
Site: janesdeals.com
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Janesdeals - B2Bwholesalers - Janes Closeouts
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