John Vrasic, Precision Remodeling, Nu Works Electric
John roy vrasic, john vrasic, frisco, texas, nu works electric, precision remodeling, jonny roy vrasic, unlicensed felon, rip off

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John Roy Vrasic
F-9401830 Assault (Felony) MA 9636847, Assualt, MA 9637306, Assault, BV96730601, Assault. COLLIN COUNTY CASES: 002-80015-95, Assault, 002-80105-97, Assault, 002-81811-97, Assault... And nearly the worst case of all... 3665135998, collin county, texas, in the interest of katelyn pounds, stanley pounds, attorney general of texas, v. John vrasic, child support, this scumbag, john roy vrasic, gave up all parental rights to his child, to get out of paying 20,000.00$ plus in child support... Let me repeat this, John Roy Vrasic gave up his PARENTAL RIGHTS, to get out f paying child support. Now to his JOB or lack of JOB Credentials. John Roy Vrasic or "Johhny" is an uinlicensed, unbonded, ELECTRICIAN, he has been ORDERED by the State of Texas to CEASE and DESIST from any type of Electrical Contracting, yet he still does work, shoddy work, terrible work and he STEALS YOUR MONEY, You can never recover it.
He goes under the name of PRECISION REMODELING and FENCE BUILDING, he has worked for over 50 electrician companies, he can't keep a job, NEVER HIRE This man who has been convicted of ASSAULT over and over. He gave up parental rights to his child for money, yet "brags" to the world he is still having an extra marital relationship with the mother of the child he can't see or support... It's time The State of Texas throw this guy in prison where he belongs, He is the SCUM of the Earth, He drives a beaten down old BRONCO and frequents BOWLING ALLY's where he claims to pick up all of his "Women", LUCKY GIRLS... A PERSON WHO GAVE HIS CHILD AWAY FOR MONEY??? Is there anyone LOWER??? And still brags that he regularly has encountetrs with STACY, the mother of the child. With all of the ASSUALT CONVICTIONS, never use this piece of trash, he isthe lowest form of SCUMBAG in the WORLD!!! Any WOMAN that would come near this person is TRASH, HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR THE FACT HE GAVE UP HIS PARENTAL RIGHTS, do searches at:
Dallas County Judicial Records, Check with The State of Texas regarding unlicensed activity for Electricians, he hasn't had a license in 4 years, he is FILTH!!! He will steal your money, ASSUALT you and try to sleep with your wife or anybody in your HOUSE!!! Send a LOUD MESSAGE to JOHN ROY VRASIC, FRISCO, TEXAS, DOB 04/11/1975... DEADBEAT FATHERS, PEOPLE WHO ASSAULT OTHERS Do not need to be in this STATE, and the WORSE story is to BRAG about having affairs with the Mother of your Child, YOU GAVE UP!!! And to have AFFAIRS WITH MARRIED WOMEN... Stay in the Bowling Ally, JOHN ROY VRASIC, JOHNNY!!! We dont want you working in TEXAS, where you RIP OFF PEOPLE...

Company: John Vrasic, Precision Remodeling, Nu Works Electric
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Richardson
Address: 2200 Flat Creek
Phone: 2144346192
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