Mylife / Reunion-search
I started and cancelled my account on the same day, they took $65.40 from my account. They won't return my e-mails, about putting my money back

Shops, Products, Services

I started a account with mylife/reunion, and on the same day I cancelled the account. They still took $65.40 out of my account, and they won't return my e-mails or my money.

Company: Mylife / Reunion-search
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Lansing
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New MYLIFE / REUNION Unauthorized removal of $60.00 from my personal checking account
Charging renewal fees without consumer's authorization!

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Robbed $60.00 from my visa account

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Unauthorized removal of $60.00 from my personal checking account I Don't Know Anything About This Company

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Unauthorized Charges

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Jeffrey tinsley unauthorized debit (theft) from my checking account

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