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I went through Intelius to look up a phone number that had been used to reserve a hotel room using our company name. The web site said I would be charged. 99 for limited information. I then looked up another phone number that was used for the same room reservation and again said I would be charged. 99 which I agreed to and gave my company credit card again. I just received my bill I was charged. 99 ten 4.49 for the second number and for Int*INPROTECT Monitor services $19.95. I just hung up the phone with a VERY rude woman that informed me that I agreed to this MONTHLY CHARGE but should would cancel at this time but Would not give me back my 19.95. Do NOT use this service!!

Company: Intelius
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Intelius Intellius Intelius Stealing of Customer Information and Selling it, Intelius is stealing funds from Credit Card Account, Fraud, Scam Bellevue, WA

Intelius they got my credit card information from another site i was on and told me that i gave them the information and too bad for me. They charged my credit card 50 dollars. Ripoff

Paid for People Search, but the information they provided was information I had already given to Intelius trying to locate a person using their phone number. I cancelled the service the same day (6/6/ Internet

Valmax / Intelius
Charging me $24.95 a month and it was supposed to be a one time charge of $1.95 for my information

Use this "priority" phone number to contact Intelius for a refund

Consumer Report

Intelius charged my checking account 19.95 every month after using their 4.95 service Bellvue Washington

24 Protect Plus - Intelius
Unauthorized charges to my account totalling $164.65

Consumer Report