Oxford Global Resources

Shops, Products, Services

The corporation is unprofessional and certainly will tear you down for-anything they are able to. They alter the guidelines to short-change you when they do not like something which you need to do. Companies BEWARE!!! Avoid this store. One company I understood was ill for awhile (3 months) so when it got time to pay for him holiday pay thet was guaranteed, they did not provide him complete pay simply because they stated he skipped a lot of time. Quite simply, they did not create enough cash. Additionally they ripped me down for many per deim since I did not let them know I had been changing careers. I offered the company I had been employed by notice (14 days) Really unproffesional, just like poor as ATSI!!

Company: Oxford Global Resources
Country: USA
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Rip off

K designers
Fraud Alert

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Did not provide services

Far East Jade
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Lane / Valente natonal
Lieing about Jo

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Texas real estate perservation/kds/nomad
Lack of pay

Forever 21
Ripped off

Bank of america Additup
Bankofamerica Additup Cashback Fraud

Jiffy Lube
Jiffy lubes are a joke