TXU-oncar energy
Bill me for bad energy usage. They change my meter at my apartment. It went from avg 300 to 1900

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Herbert k J
Dallas, tx Acc#10000xxxxx, xxxx PARK ln #xxx zip 75231
TXU-Oncar energy provide my energy, I had them since May. I pay a deposit of $400.00 I'm on low-income social security and have no other income my check go toward rent & energy. Txu came out and change my energy meter at my apartment to advance meter digital. Doing Texas Hot summer I never went over 400 usage, my last bill for Dec was $31.87 the month before it was $57.56. Since May. I never went over 500 usage. I have not added any new appliance's to my apartment I live alone in a small one bedroom apartment. I reported this to TXU energy I received no help from this company, i'm on disability social security with a fix income, i had a problem given them $400.00 deposit but I paid ed it. I never miss paying my bill but; this is not fair $180.61. The bill jump that high from $31.87. They will not look at my pass history which will show I never went over 400 usage even in Texas hot summer. Well I need help I have to pay or be in the dark!!!
Stop the rip off!!!

Company: TXU-oncar energy
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: P.O Box 650700
Phone: 9727912888
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TXU Energy
Ripoff Over estimates monthy energy usage and will not send a meter reader out to actually read the meter regularly

Stream Energy, Center Point Energy
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Dpi Energy
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Consumers Energy
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Bounce Energy
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Direct Energy
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