Time Beat
TimeBeat sold me a "Montres Allison Jitana" broken, fradulent, cheap watch. Ripoff! False advertising, won't honor warranty

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This is about a Montres Allison Jitana watch that I purchased a few weeks ago and have had trouble with.

I did have this watch for sale on e-Bay but ended the auction early because my conscience would NOT allow me to sell it. I am an honest person and could not go through with it.

I did try to relist the watch on e-bay with this write-up below but was e-mailed with threatening letters telling me to "END THE AUCTION OR ELSE"! I ended the auction out of fear of being banned from e-Bay and more.

Please read the following very carefully

I purchased my watch over the phone, NOT on e-bay, from TimeBeat for $750.00.

When I received it the second time zone was not working
properly. At that time I knew something was wrong!
I called TimeBeat and spoke with Jack Stein and told him of the problem and told him I just wanted to return the watch for a full refund at which time Jack Stein told me to send the watch back (at their expense) and they would repair it, so reluctantly, I did. I got the watch back in working order but it still didn't feel right.

I happened to go into a friend of mine's watch shop in Fresno, CA to have a battery put in another watch.
He saw my Allison on my wrist and asked me what I had, I told him "an Allison" and he said, "UH OH!". I asked him about it and he told me quite frankly, in my opinion "IT'S A PIECE OF CRAP!"

He's a very knowlegable watchman, an authorized Rolex repair station and I've known and trusted him for 15 years so I knew he was right! I asked him to open up the watch to see if in fact it had a Swiss ETA movement as Allison claims.

As he was taking the screws out of the back plate they stripped and he had a heck-of-a-time getting it apart! I asked him how could stainless steel strip? He said it's NOT stainless steel, it's base metal! What stripped were actually the screw holes in the case! There's a question as to whether the watchcase is steel or potmetal! He finally got the back off and sure enough, it's NOT a Swiss ETA movement! It's not even a German movement! He said it's a CHEAP, JUNK movement probably Chinese! Chinese? I didn't pay $750.00 for a cheap piece of junk crummy chinese movement in a potmetal case! NO, STUPID ME PAID $750.00 FOR A $5,000.00 PIECE OF CRAP!

I called Jack Stein at Timebeat and told him what happened. He argued with me about it being stainless steel, swearing that it was. He also said it was my friend (the Rolex repairman) that stripped the holes in the case! He told me that since I had it opened by an un-authorized Allison repairman that it VOIDED the warranty.

I told him I don't care about the warranty, this watch is a CHEAP PIECE OF CRAP and I just want my money back!
He told me that since I had it opened he would NOT return my money! (That's like popping the hood on your brand new BMW, finding a KIA engine inside and then the dealership tells you that because you popped the hood and not an authorized dealer they can't give you your money back).
He said he would give me a credit for another watch from him, I told him NO WAY.

After a fifteen minute argument that was going nowhere I finally told him that I just lost $750.00 and that I was sorry that I did busness with him and hung up!
Later that day there was a message on my answering machine from him telling me that he would send me some new screws for the watchback since they're "SPECIAL SCREWS" only found on Allison watches!

So, all I can say is "I GOT SCREWED BY TIMEBEAT"!

This is a very bad deal when you can't have anyone but an authorized Allison repairman look at the watch!
If you have to send it to them to have it opened up, how do you find out what's really inside? YOU DON'T! They don't want you to know what's really inside! IT'S A 'CATCH 22' situation and they win!

This is not a good watch!

The screw holes on the back are stripped!
Allison will not honor the warranty on this watch because "i popped the hood to see what was inside" and the screws came out crooked and stripped the holes!
Timebeat would not refund my money because of the same!

Excuses, excuses, excuses! That's what they have!

In fact, the only way they will refund your money is if you don't touch the watch at all when you
receive it! You can't unwrap the plastic, try it on or adjust the band! They are so paranoid that they actually take photos of every watch at every angle before they ship it to you so they will know if you opened it up!

This is all based on my actual experience with timebeat and the purchase of this allison jitana wristwatch!

Also, why is it that all the auctions on e-bay for allison watches by allison dealers are private? You are not allowed to see who's bidding on these things! Their feedback files are also private so you can't see their actual feedbacks! I wonder why!

Buyer beware!

I hope this will help all of you who read this on your decision to purchase an allison watch!
It's a shame that i had to find out the hard way!

Here are some photos of this watch inside and out so you all can see the TRUTH behind these awful watches. As you can see there are no markings at all on this movement! Only "montres allison".
i showed this to a few watchmen who all told me it is a cheap movement, probably chinese. THESE PEOPLE HAVE NO REASON TO LIE!

Therefore, I dub this movement "THE BOWEL MOVEMENT" because, IT'S A PIECE OF CRAP!

I don't have any reason to lie either. I am NOT affiliated with anyone for or against Montres Allison watches, I am just an average Joe who got ripped off by scam artists who have nothing better to do than spend tons of money on false advertising to make the public believe that their watches rate up there with the best.

If my Montres Allison Jitana is NOT representative of the Montres Allison watches that are being sold to the public then I invite anyone from Allison to contact me, return my full purchase price, put a letter of explanation on this thread stating why I received a cheap BOWEL MOVEMENT in lieu of an ETA movement and MAYBE, just MAYBE I'll back off!

But until that time I feel it's my duty to inform as many people as possible about the RIP-OFF that these MONTRES ALLISON watches are!

pismo beach, California

Company: Time Beat
Country: USA
Site: www.montresallison.com
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