Options Dating Service Inc
BIG promises, promises gay/lesbian dating-NOTHING delivered

Shops, Products, Services

I paid $2995.00 for the Gold Membership with 24 introdctions and an Unlimited Hold Feature.

I followed all instructions, provided all the documents requested and supplied an up -to-date photo.

I had gotten 3 "matches" the first year, one woman was a smoker which I said was a "deal breaker". Options was notified multiple times as to my dissatification. Two of the women, had been introduced to me and to each other. I was lead to believe, Options had many women in their files. It seemed, after the two women and I talked, that we were the only ones available and we were all brand new clients.

After many attemps to get results, I filed a Better Business Bureau complaint. I signed up May. Have not had any satisfacation.

I just do not want anymore people to be taken by this company. BEWARE, Options advertises on gay, or gay - positive websites such as Ellen Degeneres.

On the Options welcome letter, they quote Mother Theresa, "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread". Options does not act in the spirit of Mother Theresa... Their actions defile her memory.

Company: Options Dating Service Inc
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Viena
Address: 2108A Gallows Rd
Phone: 8003603283
Site: optionsdatingservice.com
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Options University
Brett Fogle Lying About usacomplaints.com

Gay Options Dating Service
I paid $5,000 for a Premium Membership with a gaurantee to meet professional women in my area. Viena, virginia

Extremely expensive ripoff

Edge Talent/Options Talent/TC Talent/Emodel
Edge Talent Options Talent TC Talent Emodel Beware of Edge Talent Job Ads on Monster.com deceptive company

Consumer Report

Internet Reputation Solutions
Ripped me off for $5,000.00!

LBS Health Options
Unauthorized charges

Consumer Report

Together Dating Service
Ripoff, Does Not Deliver What Is Promised In Contract

Deceptive billing practices internet