Jessica Benavidez - RGV Puppies
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Did you purchase a sick puppy from RGV Puppies? If so, I would like the details, especially copies of vet records and attending veterinarian statements regarding diagnosis and treatment. This site will not allow me to leave my email address, but if you could include the information in your rebuttal (you can post this info as photos in the attachment section) or give us a call at 877-Mill-Tip it would be very helpful. Thank you in advance.

Company: Jessica Benavidez - RGV Puppies
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: McAllen
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Rgv Puppies - Jessica Benavidez
Jennifer benavidez do not buy from this person! Puppies have parvo and die! She takes your money and runs!

Jessica Benavidez - RGV Puppies
Promised CKC Papers But, Didn't Receive!

Jessica Benavidez
Rgv or barbs puppies jessica benavidez parvo, no health certificate, worms, no vacinations, heart murmur

RGV - Puppies / Jessica benavidez / RGV pups / Mcallen, TX,,, Puppies from this person jessica with RGVpuppies is a puppymill

"Crazy About Pets" Owners David And Marge Malin
Sold puppy/puppies knowing they were sick and falsified records

Patricia Rockstroh, Black Knight Arabians
Puppy Mill, Sick and geneticly defective puppies

Blairs Toy Schnauzers
Amy Blair Puppy Mill Warning! Sick Toy Schnauzers from Breeder in Florida

RGV Puppies & Barbs Puppies
Rgv puppies fraud! Report her to animal control, 877-mill-tip, and mc allen texas police

Stills Kennel
This is a terrible puppy mill that sells sick puppies to pet stores and privately

Diva Pups
Puppy mill puppies do your research before buying a puppy from diva pups. These are puppy mill puppies being sold for TOP DOLLAR! New Jersey