Andrea Bunis Management

Shops, Products, Services

If you are considering using ABMI LOOK ELSEWHERE. If your building is being managed by ABMI - check you accounts carefully! Our building was under their managment for over a year and the number of financial inconsistencies and mistakes made by Andrea and her team were significant. Tread extremely cautiously when/if you terminate your relationship with ABMI. They will steal from you. Upon notification of our intent not to renew our contract (which was completely within the guidelines set forth in our contract and gave proper notice) they immediately stopped doing anything and worse yet wrote a check out of our account to themselves for their monthly mangment fee X2!!! TWO MONTHS was stolen and we now are forced to sue them to get it back. Do not believe a word that andrea says. She will lie and tell you whatever you want to hear to get your business and then ignore you once you are a client. As someone mentioned in another post she is extremely vindictive and will make your life a living hell if she feels that you crossed her or god forbid you do not renew your contract.

Company: Andrea Bunis Management
Country: USA
Address: 45 West 45th Street, New York, NY 10036
Phone: 2123025544
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