Rollies International Ordered a water pipe november 9th still have not recieved it as of mid Decembe

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I purchased a waterpipe from this godawful site on November 9th. Only reason I chose this site is because they had a waterpipe that caught my and my brothers eyes. I purchased this, wary of being ripped off because it's in Canada and well the site is a bit hrmm, let's just say craptastic.

So let's fast forward to last week. I call them, it rings and rings some more. Finally a person picks up, he sounds very uh let's just say "inebriated" and promptly tells me that he will be shipping my item later that week, probably Friday. So lets fast forward even further to today. I called around 11 or so, got the machine, (lol of course I did) left a message asking basically, where the hell is my waterpipe? Waited til about 1 and called back. It rang and rang. I called back again and boom, voice mail. So not only are these smucks unprofessional they are now screening my calls.

No doubt I interrupted a precious smoking session. Come on guys, I know you sell bongs but can you at least be professional? LOLNAH, so I have left another message and still nothing. Even as I type this I am trying to figure out why the fook I have not received either the waterpipe or hell, a f*ing refund.

LOLCANADA, thanks for doing your country proud. So perusing the interbutts I found this wonderful site called rip off reports that dedicates the bandwidth to exposing crap companies such as rollies international and their lovable leader, Marlo Franson.

STEP ON DOWN MARLO, take a bow son, you have successfully scammed me out of my money.

Country: USA
Address: 6409 Cambie Street
Phone: 16047070824
  <     >  


Smokinginstyle Biggest scam out there
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