Stealing money and over drawing my checking account while sending generic posters that I never ordered

Shops, Products, Services

Around a year ago did an introductory special type of thing and I fell for it and ordered the 3 posters. Well, they sent me a box of posters every few days for the next two weeks until I realized they were charging outragious prices for the boxes. I was getting overdrawn constantly because of the $79 and the $49 etc that they took out. I called and the money was put back, the posters were sent back and I do not even go onto the website because I don't trust them. Two weeks ago I got another box of posters and I couldn't figuere out why so I just left them sitting. Turns out they took $79 out of my account. Which over drafted me as I only had bill money in there and nothing extra. So I tried to call them repeatedly and either it went to voice mail or when someone would answer they would hang up immediately. You could hear other people speaking in the background while they were on the phone. Now I was informed that I have another box of posters at home which I did not order and they have more than likely taken more money out of my account. I have called yet again and left a message in which I told them I want to hear from them by 3 or I will be talking to a lawyer because this is totally outragious. I have not ordered anything and nor would I ever order from them again after the debacle last time. I want my money put back and I also think they need to put in the overdraft fee's since this is entirely their mistake.

Country: USA
Phone: 8778072929
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RELATED COMPLAINTS, - I ordered 4 posters for $16.00, I received the posters then over the next 4 days I received shipments of 2 posters at the cost of about $40. I sent them back and have not recieve my refund 3 mo. Late

Unathorized charges. And sent items that I did not order. Total charges 150.00
Charged without my knowledge!

Unauthorized credit card charge!

Big Ripoff
Sending me posters I did not order-was not told of shipping charges Internet Fraudulent charges to credit card-unauthorized
Misleading ads, overcharges, unresponsive to complaints
I ordered posters. 5 for $5 each. I was billed WAY TOO MUCH after I left a message telling them to end membership

Poster Pass
Unauthorized charges