Texas Career Solutions
Took my money and ran! Addison

Shops, Products, Services

Kent Miler is a great salesman. Convinced me he was the answer to my career search. Took my money, made no obvious efforts. Promised calls, and interviews&0 calls, 0 interviews. He never initiated anything on his own. Avoid this company!!!

Company: Texas Career Solutions
Country: USA
Site: texascareersolutions.com
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Phillips Carlyle International
They took 4,000, 00 off me and left me with a 3 ring binder full of worthless xerox copies & no interviews

Texas Career Solutions
Contract fulfilled but deliverables less than desirable

Texas Career Solutions
Kent Miller Promised call backs from interested employers within 72 hours

Keystone Partnership Staffing resources
Found me valid interviews and my first caree

Texas Career Solutions
No Matter How Desperate, Do Not Waste Your Time!

Texas Career Solutions
High on Promises of Interviews, Did Not Delive

Voyager Careers Solutions of Omaha
Voyager Careers did not deliver any job interviews for $4,210.00

Texas Career Solutions
Kent Miller Kent Miller the owner of this company make 100% promise on what he selling and never follow through

Career Solutions of Georgia
Career Solutions of Arizona FAKE JOBS on INTERNET to Lure You in to sell an expensive service

Career Network, Inc
They sent me emails stating they want to set up interviews for various jobs. I have not heard back from anyone