Publications Max
Stole credit/bank info and charged $79. I never ordered anything

Shops, Products, Services

This company charge my bank account $79.00. I did not order anything and am not sure how they got my account info. I called and it is just a recorded message, not stating the company's name. I had to cancel my bank account and am in the beginning stages of disputing the charge.

Company: Publications Max
Country: USA
State: Illinois
Phone: 8886242877
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Stole my bank account information

Sunset Publications
Consumer Report

Publications Max - Magazine Burst
Internet Fraud

Sunset Publications / Magazine Solutions
Consumer Report

Usa Credit
A charge appeared on my bank account under this name they stole $149.95 from me and i dont have any contact info for them they cost me also returneed checks and my credit i have been working on improving with fees and all i lost $250

Seattle Coffee Direct - Publications Max
Wrongly charged for magazines & coffee I did not order!

Sunset Publications
Consumer Report

Heartland Magazines
Nonauthorized charges to my account

American Data Group
American Data Group made unauthorized charge to my son's bank account
Consumer Report