Us Grant Advisers Consultants
Jeff ross, kathya aparicio took $400 in return of services for grant application completion for a governmant grant to fix out house. About $32000 worth of funding

Shops, Products, Services

I was ripped off by Jeff Ross claiming to work for the government and that we qualified for a grant to make repairs to out house.
I filled out a short form on-line and about a week to 10 days later we got a call from Jeff Ross telling us we qualified for funding, all we need to do is send $379 to him for the grant to be written.
I recieved e-mails from Jeff Ross and I was able to reach him by phone almost every time I called, during buisness hours.
All looked on the up and up until the money was sent and we were told we were going to get $32,000 in grant money, and the money never showed up.
The phone number was shut off and our emails now go unanswered. I call the phone number now and all I get is a busy sound, a step up from dead air I was getting.

Company: Us Grant Advisers Consultants
Country: USA
Phone: 1877346609
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Federal grant program services
Jake tyler and kathya aparicio ripped off 385.00 for a grant for home mortgage grant housing grants for 385.00 and guarantee a housing grant and home repairs for a grant in 4 weeks

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Grant Finder Pro
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Government Grant Department
Jeff Wilson Telephone call offering $7,000.00 "Grant" for $199.00 "Security deposit"

U.S. Government Grant Processing Center
They said I was qualified for an $8,000 grant and only needed to pay $257 to process application everything would arrive in 2 to 3 weeks

Government Grant from Washington D.C
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First National Government Grants Benefits

Government Grant from Washington D.C
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First National Governement Grants
Government grants ripoff

High Mark Financial Services, 4400 N. Federal Hwy, Boca Raton, FL 33
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