Amy_dunton beware of amy dunton!

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RE: Amy Dunton
I am glad we still have freedom of speech in this great country because I have been told that I would get in "trouble" if I made this public, however consumers need to be aware of the person they will be dealing before hiring AMY DUNTON. (www)amyduntonphotoraphy (com)
Intimidation tactics will not silence the truth because luckily do not live in a "Cubanized" America yet. And there is NO CRIME in speaking the truth... Which is different from slandering. Remember: The truth is the truth and will always prevail and set you free!
This report is a recollection of REAL events/facts no FALSE or malicious statements here. This is 100% real and readers are encouraged to confirm this story by contacting BLR Photo directly and asking for Erik or Brittney.
Back in September Amy Dunton was hired by BLR Photo (www)blrphoto (com) to work as a second camera person on a wedding that took place at the Four Season in Las Vegas. Amy Dunton is a person who does not have customer service skills, has a big ego and cannot control her anger if things don't go her way. She really has a very short fuse.
Her abrasive personality made her clash heads with BLR lead photographer "Melissa" that Saturday night and the bottom line is that Amy Dunton walked away from this wedding without finishing her assignment and then expected to get paid by BLR. Understandably, Erik and Brittney (owners of BLR) had blacklisted Amy Dunton from ever working for their company again, and had to pressure her in order for her to surrender the portraits she took that day. One has no choice but to wonder: Why would one of the MOST respected, fully established and professional wedding photographers in Las Vegas blacklist Amy Dunton from ever working in Las Vegas?
BEWARE! Amy Dunton will drop names of all the "celebrities" she has photographed in Hollywood before, however she does not have backup equipment, or any of the proper lenses needed to cover a wedding... And as mentioned she has anger problems that will get on the way the day of your wedding.
Before hiring her (or anybody else) to cover the most important event of your life, make sure you have a contract, and that the company you hire have backup equipment, proper lenses, liability insurance and have paid their taxes.
BTW, "BLR photo" has a proven track record and do beautiful work. I am not affiliate with BLR whatsoever, however, since I was in the industry, I have seen their amazing work and know they are one of the best photographers in the US-West coast. Please feel free to contact BLR directly in order to confirm validity of this story.
Neighborhood Watchdog

Country: USA
Address: Las Vegas, Los Angeles
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Amy Dunton Photography, BEWARE! This person (AMY DUNTON) will screw you over! Los Anges California & Las Vegas Nevada

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