Primecast Cable Company
Connexion Technologies Shoddy Business Practices and Poor Customer Service

Shops, Products, Services

Our Community - Cimmiron Village - Managed by Equity Lifestyle Properties has decided to use PrimeCast / Connexion Technologies for Phone, Internet and Cable to replace Qwest and Comcast by Nov. 1.
The process is very screwed up, Primecast personnel don't know their job and can only apologise, but they never offer to do anything except apologise.
So far the Customer Service has been terrible, we scheduled service for Saturday Oct 17 between 0800 and 1100. We called at 1000 to see when the installer would be at our house.
We were told that the installeer would call us back. We waited until 1300 and called again to see when or if the installer woudl be at our house. We were told someone would call us back after we asked for a supervisor to call us.
At 1500 we received a call from a manager that was not involved with Customer Service and we were told that an installer would not be available for today and that we would need to reschedule. The first date we were given as a reschedule was Nov 2. This is after the date we were supposed to lose our current service.
I am apalled that this company is allowed to do business in Broomfield as they don't have enough personnel to handle their scheduled installations.

Company: Primecast Cable Company
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Broomfield
Phone: 8666711117
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Primecast - Connexion
Equity Lifestyle Properties inc, ELS Whole communities owned and managed by ELS are being forced to change forms of communication such as land phone, internet provider, and television, in what appears to be slamming and more Golden

Primecast cable
Direst tv cable i was charged $279.94 and never received service from primecast switched over to direst tv was told primecast with bankrupt then direct tv turn my cable off and said they did not. My cable was off

Primecast - Connexion
Primecast slams DirecTV customers

TimberLinks Apartments And The Lynd Company
Charging extra monthly fee for our cable service on top of what we pay to primecast

Cable service from Hell Cable interruped after every storm for days on end

Direct TV deception, scam, predatorily, crooks

Primecast/Connexion Technologies
Primecast joke of a company, poor service & non-existent Customer Service

Primecast Cable
Repeated Fraudulent Receipt of Payment

Pinnacle Housing Group
Primecast ChapelRidge Apartments in Union, Missouri are MAKING us use Primecast, a service that does not work for cable, internet, and phone, Internet

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