International Satellite Communications
BBG Communications, CANOPCO-Canadian Operator Services, International Operator, Big Rip Off in Tijuana MX/San Diego CA! Huge Rip Off Ex-employee speaks Please read!

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This company is ripping people off everyday, letting deported ex-cons work with sensitive credit card information. If anybody reading this has used these services in the last year beware.
A few months ago an employee from this company was caught stealing private credit card information from people using this company's services. But he was allowed to work for days before he was fired. ABSOLUTLY NOTHING WAS DONE TO ALERT PEOPLE THAT THEIR CREDIT INFORMATION HAD BEEN AT RISK.
A canadian company called CANOPCO outsouces to this example: A person in Calgary makes a call to Vancouver, using a credit card, thinking that it's a local service, like Bell. The operator is actually in Tijuana, Mexico. The customer will be charged over nine dollars just for connecting the call, and a dollar a minute after that.
And not only that. Chances are that you will be speaking to a deported ex-convict. This company hires this kind of people only because they speak english, and they never care if the ex-con is a thief, killer or rapist.
Also, there is this service for cell phones, called #TAXI (pound taxi). If you live in Canada, and have ever used this service, now you know why the #TAXI operators never seem to know what city is close another city, and you often have to repeat the name of the city.
Supposedly, this service helps you get a taxi where ever you are in Canada, faster than if you called a taxi service yourself. This is a lie. If you need a taxi in Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver or Toronto, you will be transfered to yet another call center, to a recording, and it will be at least fifteen minutes before you speak with a live person. And this is supposed to get you a taxi quicker?
In short, this company is taking over telephone services even in Canada.
For international calls, this company's charges are outrageous. Up to $65dll US for the first five minutes, no matter if you speak for five minutes, or if you leave a thirty-second message on an answering machine, or even if all you get is a recording saying that the number you are trying to reach is not in service.
The payphones that this company places around the world are mislabeled on purpose. They all say that the cost of a call is $0.50 US. It also says that you can use your credit card. What it doesn't say, is that if you use the card, you will be charged over thirty dollars for a phonecall. The fifty cent rate applies only for a local call, no matter what country you're in. The fifty cent rate has nothing to do with using a credit card.
Before I quit from this company (two years ago), Visa was threatening to end all deals with the company, if better security was not the last few months, security doors have been installed on the outside of the place, but they are still hiring US deportees, all ex-cons. What does it matter if the place is more secure on the outside, if client information is still at risk in the hands of people working on the inside?
Master Card demanded that the rates be lowered for its customers, and now, if you use a MasterCard, the charge will be of $21 US for the first five minutes. What a joke!
These people are scaming and ripping people off all over the world and they have the gall to call their discounts a "one-time courtesy credit adjustment".
Please, people, if you are going to travel abroad and need to make a phocall, make sure you know what phone company you are dealing with, and always ask for the rates of the calls.
Get informed on how to make international phone calls directly, so you don't have to use this company's services. The majority of the people get tricked into making calls through this company because of their-forgive me-ignorance on making direct calls. Don't use a payphone just because it's labeled in english.instead, before you leave your country to travel, find out how to dial from another country to your home. Use local payphones, use local currency.
Much of time ignorance is the problem. Most people don't know the international code for a phone call, or even their own country code. So they misdial, they get transfered to an operator and because it is easier and faster, they just give out their private credit card information without knowing that they are about to get a very unpleasant surprise, in the form of exorbitant charges for phone calls that sometimes don't even get connected.
Complain to you credit card company, phone company. Tell everyone that this company is not even an american company. Don't let companies like International Satellite Communications get away with stealing your money. They have been doing it for years and will contunue to do it unless people wise up and put an end to this.
Get wise, get informed, and most importantly, don't get ripped off!

Company: International Satellite Communications
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego/San Ysidro/Tijuana
Address: 511E San Ysidro Blvd. PO Box 1770 San Ysidro California 92173
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International Satellite Communications, BBG Communications
Ex-employee speaks! If you have used this company's services in the last eight months please read!

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BBG Communications
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BBG Communications - International Satellite Communications
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International Satellite Communications
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International Satellite Communications, FAIRCALL
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