American Pet Spa
Marty & Bob, INC. They lie to their customers. They neglect and abuse animals

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I was employed by the American Pet Spa until very recently. I worked there for approximately 5 my short time there, I have seen neglect, abuse of animals, and abuse of power by the management!

Myself and others have witnessed dogs being kicked in frustration. The person (s) I have actually witnessed kick dogs were my bosses, the Kennel Manager (Jackie) and (J.R.). I saw Jackie kick a dog because it was afraid, and didn't want to go through a doorway when she was doing an arrival. The same was the case with J.R., only it was a gate instead of a doorway, headed inside from a playtime. This was uneccessary and uncalled for at best! Because they are not trained properly for their postion, they get dragged around all day by dogs, and are very prone to frustration and aggression to the dogs and employees.

They scam their customers into paying for more playtimes than their dogs actually receive. A "Rootin' Tootin'"package is supposed to have 6 playtimes. At least that's what the brochure says, and thats what they tell their customers. This is a lie. At maximum... Maybe 3. They would get either 2- 45 minute breaks or 3- 30minute breaks. That's it. Or the customers that pay for a "Gold Rush" package, only get 2 playtimes when they've paid for 4. That just feels like stealing to me.

A little while ago a customer who paid for a "Rootin' Tootin'" package emailed the American Pet Spa and said, "Are my dogs getting all their playtimes in their package? I'm watching them on the kennel camera from home." (they have cameras in every dog run) "And they seem to be in their run a lot." In response to this email, the kennel manager Jackie just cussed about her noticing and cussed about the customer in general calling her names. Then told a fellow employee to go and put the customers dogs in the outside part of their run and close the door so that the customer would not be able to see her dogs on the camera. Thus, creating the illusion that her dogs were outside playing. But they were just in a diffrent part of their cage. That's sad for the dogs, and down right mean. So mean, that I actually wrote that customers email address down and emailed her the truth about what really happened. She was a loyal customer for no telling how long. I only worked there for a little while and she had boarded her dogs there a least 3 seperate occasions while I was employed there. That is a lot of money.

They also talk the customers in a "pooltrial" where they will "see if heshe likes it." Then often times they will lie to the customer, and say that their dog likes it, (even when heshe hates it!) so that they can get the customer to pay for a one of the "pooltime" packages. That's dishonest to say the least!

The APS puts their customers animals at risk on acontinuous basis. I (and many other employees) have told the APS managementabout dogs that should not be around other dogs because of aggressionissues, only to be told by the management, "Oh, they'll be fine.' Then ifwe persist, they just remind us of how many applications for employment theyget a day and how expendable we are. Then when the s* hits the fan, andthere's dogs bleeding from a fight that could've been avoided, they act sosuprised, like they had no way of knowing, and try to blame the employees fornot telling them when they knew the whole time. The APS will surley try to deny all this. Or they will play dumband pretend they had no idea all this was going on. Either way they knowbetter. They can't threaten me or my dogs livelyhood at this point. I wasfired the other day for my "attitude". But I'm sure you can tell this isn'tmerely the rant of a disgruntled worker (although I am), but an animal lover with nothing leftto lose...

Company: American Pet Spa
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Argyle
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